Barry Gilmore
Barry Gilmore was the Middle School Head and later the Assistant Head of School for Teaching and Learning at Hutchison School in Memphis, Tennessee. A National Board Certified Teacher, he taught English and social studies for nearly twenty years. Barry is the author of seven education books and the former president of the Tennessee Council of Teachers of English. Awards for his teaching have come from NCTE, TCTE, the U.S. Department of Education, and the Tennessee Holocaust Commission. He passed away in 2019 at the age of 50 and is dearly missed by his students, family, friends and fellow faculty.
- Meeting CCSS Through a Commonsense Approach
- Engagement and Motivation
- Teaching Writing
- Revision Strategies
- Speaking and Listening Activities That Improve Reading and Writing
- Reading within the Disciplines: Today, all teachers are expected to teach literacy within their disciplines—to show students how scientists, historians, novelists, and mathematicians read, write, and discuss specific content-area topics. Students receive relevant literacy instruction in all classes and teachers understand how best to use literacy in their disciplines.
- Meeting Common Core with Common Sense: The path to meeting the Common Core State Standards is vastly different depending upon the population of students, faculties, and school-wide communities. Barry works closely with your staff to help them understand the shifts required by Common Core and facilitates the creation of an individualized school plan to achieve goals.
- Vocabulary: The Secret to Close Reading: Many teachers still approach vocabulary study as they did years ago, through lists and definitions. This hands-on workshop shows teachers how to take a fresh look at how they approach word study in every content area by focusing on key vocabulary through integrated and relevant use, repetition, and meaningful associations.
- Writing to Learn: Sustained writing, as demanded by the Common Core State Standards, requires an increase in student writing across disciplines. Teachers learn how to support a sustained approach—going beyond worksheets and short answers, infusing writing into all lessons, and improving the quality of writing while still covering discipline content.
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