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Carrol Moran

Carrol Moran has worked in education for over 30 years. For the past 12 years, she has served as executive director of the Monterey Bay Educational Consortium and the UC Santa Cruz Educational Partnership Center. Her teaching experience encompasses preschool to graduate school, focusing on low-income students of diverse language backgrounds. She was a writer for Macmillan McGraw Hill on materials for English Learners. She has published over 20 articles and books on education, including “Bilingual Education: Broadening Research Perspectives,” published in The Handbook of Research on Multicultural Education, and A Balanced Approach to Literacy, a resource document and introduction to K-3 literacy in teacher education faculty programs. Moran is coauthor on “Rethinking English Language Instruction: An Architectural Approach” in English Learners: Reaching the Highest Level of Literacy (edited by Gilbert Garcia), and she is the editor of Success by Design: The work of the UC Santa Cruz Educational Partnership Center. She earned her BA from University of California, Santa Cruz; her master’s degree from San Jose State University; and her PhD in Education, Language Literacy, and Culture from Stanford University.
