Catlin Rice Tucker
Catlin Tucker is a Google Certified Innovator, bestselling author, international trainer, and frequent Edtech speaker, who teaches in Sonoma County where she was named Teacher of the Year in 2010. Catlin’s books Blended Learning in Grades 4-12 and Blended Learning in Action are both bestsellers. She has also written a book titled Creatively Teach the Common Core Literacy Standards with Technology to support teachers in thinking outside of the box as they shift to the Common Core. Catlin is working on her doctorate at Pepperdine University. She writes the “Techy Teacher” column for ASCD’s Educational Leadership. She is active on Twitter @Catlin_Tucker and writes an internationally ranked education blog at CatlinTucker.com.
- Online Learning Community
- Blended Learning
- Critical Thinking
Blended Learning: Tools, Techniques and Resources: The goal of this workshop is to empower traditional classroom teachers with the tools and techniques needed to effectively blend active learning online with dynamic learning in the classroom. Participants will leave with the skills needed to cultivate a community of inquiry online to complement and enhance the work done in the physical classroom. We will explore the
- power of discussion as a learning tool,
- techniques for using mobile devices to encourage problem solving, research and collaboration,
- flipped classroom as a vehicle to create time and space in the classroom and
- strategies for weaving instructional mediums together.
Educators will leave my workshop confident they can use the flexibility of the online space to extend learning, differentiate instruction, give every student a voice, and tap into the collective intelligence of their students while still maintaining their valued role as the teacher.
Creatively Teaching the Common Core with Technology Integration: Are you overwhelmed by the idea of transitioning to a new set of standards? Don’t be! Learn how you can use Web 2.0 tools to effectively engage students and teach the Common Core State Standards. Teach technology and media literacy while providing students more opportunities to develop their reading, writing, communication, collaboration and critical thinking skills (and eliminate piles of paperwork!). More effectively prepare your students for life beyond high school!
Creatively Teach the ELA Standards with Technology: Play with technology and explore new ways to engage students to meet the Common Core reading, writing, language, speaking and listening standards. Use technology to scaffold work, be more efficient and improve learning outcomes for students!
Don’t Just Flip Your Classroom, Transform It!: Flip instruction and engage your students! Drive inquiry, differentiate instruction and use class time to create student-centered learning opportunities that encourage communication and collaboration. Don't want to record your lectures? No problem! You'd be surprised how much you can flip using a variety of ready-to-use media. Wrap content in conversations and collaborative group work to improve retention and drive higher-order thinking. Learn how mobile devices and QR codes can be used to amplify curiosity and engage students.
Project Based Learning in a Blended Learning Model to Teach Common Core: Do you wish you had more time for project based learning (PBL)? Using Web 2.o technology, asynchronous online discussions and Google apps, you can connect students both inside and outside of the classroom to build more project based learning into your curriculum. Learn how to create more opportunities for students to work together, explore, problem solve, think critically and create! This presentation will present multidisciplinary project structures that can be easily facilitated in a blended learning model- combining work in the physical classroom with work done online - to increase student engagement and get students college and career ready.
Digital Writing: Communicate, Collaborate, Reflect & Publish: In an era of texting, tweeting, Facebook updates, and blogging, digital writing is a necessary skill to success beyond the classroom. Learn how you can use Google.docs, blogs, asynchronous discussions, online journaling, website creation and more to teach digital writing. Foster collaboration, eliminate piles of paperwork, and teach the Common Core State Standards while teaching students how to harness 21st century technology to communicate effectively.
7 Steps to Successful Online Discussions: Transform traditional classes into dynamic learning communities with online discussions and asynchronous group work. Learn how to
- create a virtual safe space,
- build an online community,
- design dynamic discussion questions,
- encourage substantial postings and meaningful exchanges,
- define a realistic facilitation role that saves you time,
- incorporate multimedia to differentiate instruction, and
- weave it all together!
Give Your Low-Tech Classroom a Mobile Makeover!: Are you frustrated by the lack of technology in your classroom? Harness the power of mobile devices to engage your students and amplify their curiosity. Teach your students how to leverage their mobile devices to research, problem solve, communicate, collaborate and create! Only a fraction of your students actually need a mobile device for you to successfully create a high-tech classroom. Explore free education apps, learn how to use QR codes in the classroom and walk away with tons of ideas for how you can use mobile devices to create a student-centered classroom.
The Common Core Made Easy with Google Apps: Learn how to use Google Maps, Search, Moderator, Docs, Sites and more to meet the Common Core Standards. Teach writing, research, technology fluency, communication and collaboration using Google apps.
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