Jarvis V.N.C. Pahl
Jarvis V.N.C. Pahl is executive director of Pahl Business & Educational Consortium (PBEC). She taught biology and microbiology in California, Maryland, Connecticut, and Brazil. She also taught while in the Peace Corps, and in Botswana Africa. As a school administrator, she worked in California high schools and school districts. She was a member of the Graduate School of Education’s School Management Program at the University of California in Los Angeles. She has traveled in Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Antarctica, and the Arctic Circle. She speaks Portuguese, some Setswana (language of Botswana), and Spanish. As a consultant, she has designed, planned, and facilitated hundreds of learning experiences for parent groups, students, teachers, administrators, and blended groups of educators, parents, students, and individuals from the business world. She believes individuals have a gene for leadership in their area of specialty.
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