Mikie Loughridge photo

Mikie Loughridge

Mary E. (Mikie) Loughridge, Ed. D. is currently serving as a secondary Principal Coach for the Los Angeles County Office of Education and the Southern California Comprehensive Assistance Center’s Office of the Regional System of District and School Support (RSDSS). She served as a special education teacher at the middle and high school levels, as a continuation high school teacher, and as a high school vice principal and principal. Her district office experience includes Director of Curriculum and Instruction and Director of Teacher Support and Employee Development for the Antelope Valley Union High School District, as well as an Induction Consultant for the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education. She served as adjunct faculty for eighteen years in teacher and administrative preparation programs at four private and state universities. She also developed and presented a variety of workshops at the local, regional, state, and national levels. She holds a doctorate in Organizational Leadership from the University of Southern California.
