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Nancy Steineke

A longtime collaborator with Harvey “Smokey” Daniels as both a coauthor and a co-presenter, Nancy Steineke has been a full-time English teacher for more than three decades, most recently at Victor J. Andrew High School in Illinois. Nancy is the author of six other professional books and classroom collaboration is always a central strategy, whether she’s advising on literature circles, content-area writing, teaching nonfiction and fiction, or assessment. These days, Nancy’s on the road as a consultant, introducing high-engagement literacy strategies to teachers nationwide.


  • Student engagement and motivation
  • Social Emotional Learning
  • Content-Area Literacy
  • Practical ELA strategies
  • Brain based learning



Strategies for Teaching Students Social Emotional Skills
Research indicates SEL skills contribute as much to student success as academic skills. Participants will learn how to evaluate students’ current SEL skill levels and teach explicitly the skills they most need. Learn how to create a safe classroom for academic learning and risk-taking, where students embrace diversity, show respect, and recognize unique talents.

Content-Area Literacy: Reading, Writing, and Collaboration that Make a Difference
Reading and writing skills progress when students read, write, and share on a daily basis in every classroom. Learn how to structure accountable-talk, introduce and scaffold concepts with visual texts, provide invitations to write, and offer daily opportunities for quick, and engaging writing activities.

Strategies for the English Language Arts Classroom
In this era of standards and high-stakes testing, every classroom minute must be fully utilized. Participants will learn how to combine literacy tasks that complement reading, writing, and speaking; offer student choice in ways that increase accountability; use fun, engaging mini-lessons and inquiry projects; and increase the amount students write.

Brain Based Learning: Enhancing Academic Mastery through Movement and Creativity
Brain research reveals that learning needs to be connected with physical movement, positive emotion, and novelty. Learn how to create a supportive classroom, experiment with different creative mediums, connect physical movement, music, and art with content-area expertise, and provide students with projects that require collaboration and creativity.
