Spike C. Cook
Dr. Spike C. Cook is currently serving in a leadership position as the Principal of RM Bacon Elementary for the Millville Public School District located in the City of Millville, New Jersey. He joined RM Bacon staff in April of 2011. Since that time, he has been influential in increasing technology use with students and teachers, reorganized the Basic Skills Program, and worked on improving the climate and culture of the building.
He began his educational career in 1999 and has worked in higher education, middle school and elementary school. Dr. Cook has served as a counselor, teacher, adjunct professor, Executive Director, vice principal, guidance director and principal. His blog “Insights Into Learning” received a nomination for the Best Administrator Blog by Edublogs.
Dr. Cook has presented at numerous state and local conferences. In addition, he has presented at the 2012 ASCD Texas in Dallas, 2013 ASCD National Conference in Chicago, and the 2013 National Association for Elementary School Principals in Baltimore. He was the keynote speaker at the Millville Public Schools Opening Day for over 1,200 staff. Dr. Cook was one of the featured “connected educators” in the 2014 Corwin Press book, “Digital Leadership” by Eric Sheninger.
- Instructional
- Leadership Technology
- Going Global: This workshop will be focused on ways in which Project Based Learning activities have transformed elementary students into Global Ambassadors. Participants will be provided with free web 2.0 tools to connect classrooms throughout the United States and worldwide. In addition, participants will learn best practices and walk away with tools and resources necessary to transform their elementary classroom into a global, 21st century learning environment.
- Blogging for your Classroom and School: Check out RM Bacon School’s blog, which has had thousands visitors around the world, and Dr. Cook’s Insights Into Learning blog, which has had over 100,000 readers across the globe! Explore how schools can use social networking to enhance the educational experiences of their 21st Century learners through Twitter, blogs, QR codes, and more. Also, learn how the teachers are learning technology from the students through special ‘Tech Friday’ informal professional development sessions before the school day even begins.
- Project Based Learning: Explore how Project Based Learning (PBL) activities can be enhanced with social media and web 2.0 tools in order to transform students into Global Ambassadors. In addition, participants will work collaboratively to utilize the Web 2.0 tools, PBL, and be able to walk away with resources necessary to transform their classroom into a global, 21st century learning environment. Since there will be no handouts for this session, participants will be encouraged to access a presenter-developed website during and after the presentation. Participants are encouraged to bring their own technology, and learning devices.
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