Tom Hierck

Expertise:Educator, speaker, author

Tom Hierck has been an educator since 1983 in a career that has spanned all grade levels and many roles in public education. His experiences as a teacher, an administrator, a district leader, a department of education project leader, and an executive director have provided a unique context for his education philosophy.

Tom is a compelling presenter, infusing his message of hope with strategies culled from the real world. He understands that educators face unprecedented challenges and knows which strategies will best serve learning communities. Tom has presented to schools and districts across North America with a message of celebration for educators seeking to make a difference in the lives of students. His dynamic presentations explore the importance of positive learning environments and the role of assessment to improve student learning. His belief that “every student is a success story waiting to be told” has led him to work with teachers and administrators to create positive school cultures and build effective relationships that facilitate learning for all students.

Tom Hierck’s blog can be found at tomhierck.com/blog/.


  • RTI, Curriculum Design
  • Content Standards
  • Special Education
  • Multitiered Instruction



  • Acquire the Knowledge and Tools to Implement RTI in Your School: Educators have embraced the concepts of Response to Intervention (RTI) and are eager for practical tools and ideas that they can have to support all students toward higher levels of learning. Participants will learn concrete strategies to use when intervening with students at-risk, as well as the leadership necessary to guide all educators to enthusiastically accept responsibility for continuous improvement.
  • Thinking Inside the Box: Schools must focus on the needs of all students, welcome the assistance of all parents and rely on the expertise of all educators to make significant gains in the school environment. Connecting with the heart before measuring the head is critical. A lot has been made for teachers to” think outside the box” when dealing with issues in the classroom. Tom will challenge this notion and set the stage for thinking inside the box as a start to solving classroom and school concerns.
  • Sustainability: Sustainability is a systemic concept, relating to the continuity of institutional aspects of human society. It is intended to be a means of configuring civilization and human activity so that society is able to meet the needs and express the greatest potential in the present, while preserving, planning and acting for the ability to maintain these ideals in a very long term. Sustainability affects every level of organization. All across our country and in jurisdictions around the world a dramatic demographic shift is occurring that will impact our previous views of sustainability. In a time when leaders are being asked to step forward with less experience than in the past how can we ensure that the best of the past is blended with the knowledge of the present to tackle the issues of the future?

What People are Saying

“Have to say Tom, without a doubt, in my twenty-eight years as an educator in NL, your presentation today would certainly rank among the top three of all I’ve had the opportunity to attend and listen to in the nearly three decades.”

workshop participant

“Tom was a very dynamic presenter that conveyed to the audience his enthusiasm, commitment, and philosophical viewpoint in relation to students. This was paralleled with a sense of unconditional acceptance. It must be an honor to work with an individual with such insight and dedication.”

workshop participant

“I really appreciated how you encouraged our teachers to reflect on their current practices in the classroom and in particular how you were able to cause our staff to realize that both their success and that of their students truly does depend on their ability to foster positive relationships. Our teachers were very much moved by your message and thoroughly enjoyed your presentation style. Your message was powerful and crucial.”

workshop participant

Certified In

  • Visible Learning
