William K. Poston, Jr.
Learn more about William Poston's PD offerings
William K. Poston Jr. is an Emeritus Professor of educational leadership and policy studies at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa, where he served for 17 years. A former math and physics teacher, he accumulated 25 years of experience in educational administration including 15 years as a superintendent in Tucson and Phoenix, Arizona, and in Billings, Montana. His experience includes serving as executive director of the Iowa School Business Management Academy—the licensure program for school business managers in Iowa—for 15 years. He is the originator of curriculum-driven budgeting, and he has led over 75 curriculum audits. Poston has written 13 books and over 40 journal articles and continues to provide extensive service to schools in the areas of evaluation, curriculum management auditing, performance-based budgeting, and organizational quality improvement.
William K. Poston Jr. is an Emeritus Professor of educational leadership and policy studies at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa, where he served for 17 years. A former math and physics teacher, he accumulated 25 years of experience in educational administration including 15 years as a superintendent in Tucson and Phoenix, Arizona, and in Billings, Montana. His experience includes serving as executive director of the Iowa School Business Management Academy—the licensure program for school business managers in Iowa—for 15 years. He is the originator of curriculum-driven budgeting, and he has led over 75 curriculum audits. Poston has written 13 books and over 40 journal articles and continues to provide extensive service to schools in the areas of evaluation, curriculum management auditing, performance-based budgeting, and organizational quality improvement.
- Budgeting, Evaluation
- Curriculum Management Auditing
- Performance-Based Budgeting
- Continual Quality
- Improvement
- School Budgeting in Hard Times: An entirely new approach to school budgeting is required today, one that supports data-driven collaborative decision-making. Program priorities must be set, and system stakeholders must help allocate resources with accountability for results. The purpose of this performance-based seminar is to help participants learn to develop a cost- efficient, but productive budget. Participants will learn how to make critical decisions that trim the budget without sacrificing quality of the educational system.
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Advancing the Three-Minute Walk-Through
Mastering Reflective Practice
By: Carolyn J. Downey, Betty E. Steffy, William K. Poston, Jr. and Fenwick W. English

50 Ways to Close the Achievement Gap
By: Carolyn J. Downey, Betty E. Steffy, William K. Poston, Jr. and Fenwick W. English