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The Co-Teacher's Playbook

What It Takes to Make Co-Teaching Work for Everyone

Designed for co-teachers to use together, this hands-on guide includes real-life stories; reflective activities; reproducible lists, checklists, templates, and agreements; and a downloadable unit-planning tool.

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781544377629
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Series: Corwin Teaching Essentials
  • Year: 2019
  • Page Count: 152
  • Publication date: August 15, 2019
Price: $39.95
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Review Copies

Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.



Expert guidance for creating a successful partnership!

In today’s inclusive classrooms, general-education teachers might be paired with special-education teachers, ELL specialists, interventionists, or paraprofessionals in a co-teaching partnership. No matter your exact situation—or which side of the equation you’re on—co-teachers share similar challenges, including struggles with communication, trouble with equitable grading, and lack of planning time.

Whether you’re new to co-teaching, new to your partner, or just see room for improvement in the way you connect, it’s time to make the partnership really benefit your students. So grab a cup of coffee and your co-teacher—this hands-on workbook is designed for the two of you to use together. Features include:

Stories from experienced co-teachers
Reflective activities to help each of you discover your collaboration style
Reproducible lists, checklists, templates, agreements, and more to complete together
A downloadable unit-planning tool

When co-teaching is done well, the benefits for students are immeasurable. Let this guide’s expert advice and eye-opening activities take your co-teaching to a new level of success.

Key features

Co-teachers and instructional coaches will find:
  • Stories from experienced co-teachers
  • Reflective activities to help co-teachers discover their collaboration style
  • Practical workbook-style with reproducibles for co-teachers to complete together
  • A downloadable unit-planning tool


Angela Peery photo

Angela Peery

Dr. Angela Peery is a consultant and author with 32 years of experience as an educator. She has spent the last decade completing over 100 speaking and consulting days per year and authoring or co-authoring 14 books, including the bestsellers Writing Matters in Every Classroom and The Data Teams Experience: A Guide for Effective Meetings.

Prior to becoming a consultant, Angela was an instructional coach for a chronically low-performing middle school. Her other experience includes ten years of classroom teaching in middle and high schools, four years as a high school administrator, and leadership roles at the building, district, and state levels. In these roles, she developed curriculum and mentored other teachers in standards implementation. She also taught undergraduate and graduate courses, both in-person and online. Additionally, she was a co-director of a National Writing Project site for several years, teaching the summer institute.

Angela earned her doctorate in curriculum in 2000. Her doctoral research highlighted professional development in literacy that she facilitated with teachers at a K-8 Jewish day school.

A Virginia native, Angela earned her B. A. in English at Randolph-Macon Woman's College and her M. A. in Liberal Arts at Hollins College. Her professional licensures include secondary English, secondary administration, and gifted/talented education. She has also studied presentation design and delivery with experts Nancy Duarte, Garr Reynolds, and Rick Altman. Recently, she has undertaken graduate study in brain-based learning and global education.

Angela makes her home in Beaufort, South Carolina, with her husband of 30 years, Tim, and their pets. When not traveling and working with educators, she most enjoys being on her boat or attending rock concerts. She can be reached at drangelapeery@gmail.com.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


About the Author

Introduction: Why This Book, and Why Me?

Chapter 1: Understanding


What Is Co-Teaching?

Activity: What’s Your Definition?

Benefits of Co-Teaching

Activity: The Benefits of Co-Teaching

Co-Teaching: What Does It Look Like in Today’s Classrooms?

General Ed and Special Ed Partnerships

General Ed and ESL/ELL Partnerships

General Ed and Interventionist Partnerships

General Ed and Specialist Partnerships

General Ed and Paraprofessional Partnerships

Activity: Taking Stock

Co-Teaching Structures

Reflection Questions


Tool 1: Welcome Letter to Students Template

Tool 2: Welcome Letter to Parents Template, Elementary

Tool 3: Welcome Letter to Parents Template, Secondary

Extension 1: Co-Teaching Scavenger Hunt

Extension 2: Create a Co-Teaching Vision Board

Chapter 2: Relating


Activity: What I Bring to the Table

The Four Pillars of a Great Co-Teaching Partnership

Pillar 1: Respect

Activity: Reflect and Write

Pillar 2: Communication

Activity: My Beliefs about Teaching

Activity: Important Questions for Us to Discuss

Vignette: R. K. Smith Middle School in Luling, Louisiana

Pillar 3: Flexibility

Activity: My Preferences in the Classroom

Understanding the Activity

Pillar 4: Humor

Activity: Let’s Humor Each Other!

Being Prepared for the Highs and the Lows

Examples of Norms for Working Together

Examples of Norms for Weekly Meetings

Activity: Write Your Norms

How to Handle an Uncooperative Co-Teacher


Vignette: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Tool 1: Our Goals

Tool 2: Protocols

Extension 1: Personality Tests

Extension 2: Learning More about Paraphrasing Skills

Chapter 3: Managing


Planning for the Learning Environment

Advice for Establishing Routines and Procedures

Procedures, Consequences, and Recognition

Determining Who Will Handle What

Activity: Whose Job Is It?


Tool 1: Student Compact

Tool 2: Positive Notes to Students

Chapter 4: Teaching


Unit Planning

Activity: Unpacking the Standards and Creating Learning Targets

Activity: Big Ideas and Essential Questions

Creating the Unit

Summative Assessment

Daily Lessons

Effective Lesson Design

Planning for Ongoing Collaboration

Activity: Reflection Questions

Do’s and Don’ts for Co-Teaching Meetings

Tips for Calendaring Meetings


Tool 1: Unit Plan Template

Tool 2: Meeting Agenda Templates and Examples

Tool 3: “Look-Fors” Co-Teaching Observation Form

Extension 1: Protocols

Extension 2: Student Surveys

Chapter 5: Assessing


Assessment in General

Formative versus Summative Assessment

Thinking about Formative Assessment

Activity: Thirty Fun, Formative Assessment Ideas

Lesson Structure That Includes Formative Assessment

Activity: Reflect on the Lesson

Assessment Considerations for Co-Taught Classes

The Value of Pre-Assessment


Tool 1: Creating a Pre-Assessment

Appendix A: A Brief History of Co-Teaching

Appendix B: The Six Co-Teaching Structures Depicted Visually

Appendix C: Sentence Frames for Paraphrasing, Summarizing, and Checking for Accuracy

Appendix D: Do Not Disturb Signs for Weekly Meetings





Price: $39.95
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Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.

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