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Curriculum Design for Writing Instruction

Creating Standards-Based Lesson Plans and Rubrics
By: Kathy Tuchman Glass

Foreword by Carol Ann Tomlinson

Design innovative and engaging lessons and units that produce measurable gains!

This clever resource takes the reader step-by-step through the curriculum design process: from identifying national and local standards and translating them into user-friendly language to crafting meaningful writing assignments and assessments that reveal student strengths and weaknesses. Rooted in the six-traits model of instruction and assessment, Glass's four-part process shows teachers how to:

  • Identify grade-level content standards for writing
  • Create a teacher rubric with a clear set of criteria for writing assessment
  • Craft a student checklist that guides students through the unit and prepares them for teacher expectations
  • Design lessons that help students achieve success

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781412904568
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2004
  • Page Count: 264
  • Publication date: December 22, 2004
Price: $45.95
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"The author's conversational style hooks and easily engages readers into the four-step curriculum design process, well-sequenced array of design templates and lesson models, synthesis of the six traits and writing process elements, and integration of history, social science, and science content."
Carl Zon, Standards and Assessment Consultant/Coach
Connections, Sunnyvale, CA

"This book effectively walks educators through the standards-based lesson design process in a way that is clear, compelling, and achievable while simultaneously building content knowledge and extending understanding."
Ruth Goldhammer, Coordinator, Curriculum and Staff Development
San Mateo County Office of Education, CA

Design innovative and engaging lessons and units that produce measurable gains!

This clever new resource takes the reader step-by-step through the curriculum design process: from identifying national and local standards and translating them into user-friendly language to crafting meaningful writing assignments and assessments that effectively reveal student strengths and weaknesses.

Rooted in the six-traits model of instruction and assessment and illuminated by relevant classroom examples, Glass's four-part process shows teachers how to:

  • Identify grade-level content standards for writing
  • Create a teacher rubric with a clear set of criteria for writing assessment
  • Craft a student checklist that guides students through the unit and prepares them for teacher expectations
  • Design lessons that help students achieve success

Replete with tools, strategies, examples and reproducibles, Curriculum Design for Writing Instruction is a valuable resource for any teacher who wants to boost student achievement in writing for any subject and for any grade level!  

Key features

  • Standards-based, six-trait writing model focus
  • Specific options to differentiate lessons
  • Numerous reproducibles
    • Rubrics based on the six traits of writing – trait-specific, level-specific, and several lesson-specific examples are included.
    • Students checklists
    • Student worksheets/organizational tools
  • Four completely developed lesson plans
  • An entire chapter on using the curriculum design process for writing-based projects in science and social studies
  • Strategies have been tested, refined, and used successfully in the classroom.



Kathy Tuchman Glass photo

Kathy Tuchman Glass

Consulting Description

Kathy Glass is a former teacher who consults and presents nationally with K-12 teachers and administrators at schools, districts, conferences, and county offices of education. She offers a blend of professional development (PD) topics to target audiences in areas affecting curriculum and instruction. To deliver customized PD, she assists educators with strategic planning to determine objectives. Then she tailors PD based on requested topics such as, but not limited to:

· highlights of the ELA Common Core Standards

· implementation of the ELA Common Core or other standards-based curriculum using a backward design approach

· essential understandings and guiding questions to frame curriculum and instruction

· differentiated tools and instructional strategies

· pre-, formative, summative, and self-assessments

· alignment of six-traits writing instruction and assessment to curriculum goals

· unit and yearlong curriculum maps

· text-dependent questions to facilitate close reading, and more.

To help educators directly translate what she presents into effective classroom practice that impacts students, Kathy can provide a variety of PD opportunities (e.g., presentations, lesson demonstrations and modeling, coaching, collaborative unit design, etc.).

She is the author of six books: Mapping Comprehensive Units to the English Language (ELA) Arts Common Core Standards, 6-12 (May, 2013); Mapping Comprehensive Units to the ELA Common Core Standards, K-5 (© 2012); Lesson Design for Differentiated Instruction, Grades 4-9 (©2009); Staff Development Guide for the Parallel Curriculum (©2009); Curriculum Mapping: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Curriculum Year Overviews (©2007); and Curriculum Design for Writing Instruction: Creating Standards-Based Lesson Plans and Rubrics (©2005). In addition, Glass has served as a reader and reviewer for Reader’s Handbook: A Student Guide for Reading and Learning (2002, Great Source Education Group) and as a contributing writer and consultant for the Heath Middle Level Literature series (1995, DC Heath and Co). Website: www.kathyglassconsulting.com; email: kathy@kathyglassconsulting.com

Table of Contents

Table of Contents



Introduction: The Tenets of Curriculum Design

Why Are Standards Important to Curriculum Design?

The Teacher Rubric (Scoring Guide) and Student Checklist Play a Crucial Role

Two Scenarios: Curriculum Design Process Analogy

Curriculum Design Elements

Identify Grade Level Writing Standards

Create a Teacher Rubric With a Clear Set of Writing Criteria

Craft a Student Checklist to Guide Students and to State Objectives

Design Lessons to Achieve Standards

One More Connection to Drive Home the Point

1. Identify Grade Level Content Standards (Part 1)

Step-by-Step Details for Identifying Grade Level Content Standards

Target Writing Type (Application)

Identify Supporting Standards

Note Existing Lessons and Resources

Determine Timing of Unit

Standards Identification Samples

Personal Narrative/Fall (2nd grade)

Slavery Journal/Spring (8th grade)

2. Create/Revise a Rubric (Part 2)

Suggestions to Improve Writing Program

Create and Revise Rubrics

Collect Student Anchor Papers

Avoid Bias

Use Student Scores to Inform Your Instruction

Rubric Definition

Rubrics (Six Traits)

Rubric Sample and Elements

What Rubrics Are Included in This Chapter?

Do Teachers Need a Rubric for Each Assignment?

Do Students Use These Rubrics?

How Many Traits and Their Elements Are Included in a Writing Assignment?

Creating a Teacher Rubric for Your Targeted Writing Assignment

Step-by-Step Details for Designing a Rubric

Peruse Rubrics

Identify Elements for Each Trait

Compile All Elements to Create a Rubric

Revise Rubric Content

3. Craft a Student Checklist (Part 3)

Uses for Student Checklist

How to Introduce a Student Checklist

Students Use the Checklist to Guide Them While Writing

Step-by-Step Details for Creating a Student Checklist

Quick Review of Suggestions for Using a Checklist

4. Design/Refine Lessons (Part 4) and the Design Process at Work

Target Your Search to Find Lessons

Step-by-Step Details for Designing Lessons

Embrace Your Student Checklist Like a Friend

Search for Lessons

Organize Your Lessons in Sequential Order

Review Lessons

Select Student Samples

The Parts as a Whole: Comprehensive Lessons Utilizing the Complete Process From Standards Identification to Actual Lessons

Single Paragraph Writing for Personal Character Description Using An Anteater Named Arthur by Bernard Waber

Multi-Paragraph Writing for Personal Character Description Emphasizing Detailed Examples to Support Personality Traits

Single- or Multi-Paragraph Writing for Fictitious Character Description Focusing on Sensory Details

Response to Literature Expository Composition

5. Writing Process and Recordkeeping

Writing Process Steps

Revision Sheets


Whole Class Writing Performance Record

Individual Student Writing Performance Record

Emphasizing the Importance of Examining Student Work

6. Using the Curiculum Design Process for Science and Social Studies (and Electives)

Standards and Worksheet Samples

Step-by-Step Process of How to Link Content (or Criteria) With Writing Lessons

Miscellaneous Social Studies and Science Writing Activities and Projects

Writing Genre Suggestions

7. Time Saving Options for the Curriculum Design Process


Use a Rubric Only

Convert the Student Checklist Into a Scoring Mechanism

8. Reviewing the Steps in the Curriculum Design Process

Identify Grade Level Content Standards

Create/Revise Rubric

Craft a Student Checklist

Define or Revise Lessons


Theory, Research, Practice/Curriculum Design Models

Six Traits Support

Lessons, Activities, Assessments

Emphasis on Rubrics



Price: $45.95
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