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Designing Brain-Compatible Learning

Third Edition
By: Gayle H. Gregory, Terence Parry

Foreword by Pat Wolfe

Combine the best of what we know about how the brain learns with the best of what we know about teaching!

This revised, updated guide synthesizes the latest brain research into a powerful set of teaching tools and strategies for integrating thinking skills, cooperative learning, graphic organizers, and authentic assessment into any classroom, and highlights:

  • Step-by-step strategies for teaching concepts, skills, and content to all age groups and learning styles
  • A newly expanded section on standards-based lesson design and lesson planning
  • Charts, diagrams, and other visual tools to reinforce learning
  • A collection of new planning templates and graphic organizers
  • An extended glossary and updated bibliography

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781412937177
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2006
  • Page Count: 304
  • Publication date: June 16, 2006
Price: $50.95
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"There's a strong possibility that this will become one of the most used books on the educator's bookshelf, and that's all to the good because ultimately it will be the students (and their brains) who benefit."
-From the Foreword by Pat Wolfe

"Teachers want ideas that make them better teachers. This is a welcome addition to books available in this field."
-William Fitzhugh, Teacher, Reisterstown Elementary School, MD

Combine the best of what we know about how the brain learns with the best of what we know about teaching!

This revised, updated edition of Designing Brain Compatible Learning synthesizes the latest brain research into a powerful set of teaching tools and strategies for integrating thinking skills, cooperative learning, graphic organizers, and authentic assessment into any classroom. The new edition features:

  • Step-by-step strategies for teaching concepts, skills, and content to all age groups and learning styles
  • A newly expanded section on standards-based lesson design and lesson planning
  • Charts, diagrams, and other visual tools to reinforce learning
  • A collection of new planning templates and graphic organizers
  • An extended glossary and updated bibliography

This comprehensive guide for teachers and instructional leaders provides in-depth coverage of instructional planning at its best.

Key features

  • Revised and updated edition of the comprehensive guide for teachers and instructional planners
  • Provides in-depth coverage of the latest cognitive research and its links to pedagogical theory and practice.
  • Includes greatly expanded coverage of lesson design and lesson planning
  • Provides a generous collection of reproducible planning templates and graphic organizers.
  • Each chapter covers the "what is it," "why do we need it," and "how do we teach it" essentials
  • Relevant to all age groups and to all areas of the curriculum.
  • A Glossary, Bibliography, and Index add to the book's usefulness both for pre-service and in-service teachers alike.


Gayle H. Gregory photo

Gayle H. Gregory

Gayle H. Gregory is first and foremost a teacher, having experienced teaching and learning in elementary, middle, and secondary schools, community colleges, and universities. She has had extensive district-wide experience as a curriculum consultant and staff development coordinator. Gayle was principal/course director at York University for the Faculty of Education, teaching in the teacher education program.
Her areas of expertise include brain-compatible learning, differentiated instructional and assessment strategies, block scheduling, emotional intelligence, student motivation, RTI Tier One, collaborative learning, common core, renewal of secondary schools, enhancing teacher quality, coaching and mentoring, managing change, and building professional learning communities. She also a trainer for Visible Learning Plus with Corwin.

She is an author of numerous books related to educational neuroscience and differentiated instruction, assessment, and curriculum, including the following titles:

• Data Driven Differentiation in the Standards-Based Classroom, Second Edition (2014, with Lin Kuzmich)
• Differentiated Instructional Strategies: One Size Doesn’t Fit All, Third Edition (2013, with Carolyn Chapman)
• Differentiated Instructional Strategies Professional Learning Guide: One Size Doesn’t Fit All, Third Edition (2013)
• Differentiated Literacy Strategies for English Language Learners, Grades K–6 and Differentiated Literacy Strategies for English Language Learners, Grades 7–12 (2011, with Amy Burkman)
• Differentiated Instructional Strategies for the Block Schedule (2010, with Lynne E. Herndon)
• Student Teams That Get Results: Teaching Tools for the Differentiated Classroom (2009, with Lin Kuzmich)
• Teacher Teams That Get Results: 61 Strategies for Sustaining and Renewing Professional Learning Communities (2009, with Lin Kuzmich)
• Differentiated Instructional Strategies for Science, Grades K–8 (2009, with Elizabeth Hammerman)
• Differentiating Instruction With Style: Aligning Teacher and Learner Intelligences for Maximum Achievement (2005)
• The Activities for Differentiated Classroom series (2007, with Carolyn Chapman)

She is affiliated with organizations such as ASCD and Learning Forward. Her ASCD publication is The Motivated Brain: Improving Student Attention engagement and Perseverance (2015, with Martha Kaufeldt).

Gayle consults internationally with teachers, administrators, and staff developers.

She and her family of two daughters and two granddaughters all reside in Burlington, Ontario.

Gayle is committed to lifelong learning and professional growth for herself and others. She may be contacted at gregorygayle@netscape.net, www.gaylehgregory.com, and @gaylegregory6.

Terence Parry photo

Terence Parry

Terence Parry has taught at the elementary, secondary, and university levels, and he is now a full-time staff developer and educational consultant in Waterloo, Ontario. Terry has received international recognition for his lively and engaging workshops, which offer a wealth of practical experience to help teachers cope with the overwhelming number of changes that bombard schools on a daily basis.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Foreword to the Original Edition by Pat Wolfe



About the Authors

1. Cognitive Research

2. Pedagogical Theory

3. Designing Brain-Compatible Units and Lessons

4. Theories of Intelligence

5. Cooperative Group Learning

6. Collaborative Skills

7. Thinking Skills

8. Graphic Organizers

9. Assessment






Price: $50.95
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