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Fearless Conversations School Leaders Have to Have

By: Irving C. Jones Sr., Vera Blake

Foreword by Bill Daggett

Written to help leaders improve achievement for all students, this is a guide to supporting staff to work at their full potential, build trust, and strengthen collegiality.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781506367545
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2017
  • Page Count: 216
  • Publication date: September 21, 2017
Price: $39.95
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Step out of Your Comfort Zone and Really Help Kids

To meet the needs of today’s learners, fearless leadership is required to support and empower the adults who work with these learners. Anchored in research, Fearless Conversations is a guide to recognizing and using strategies that encourage staff to work at their full potential, build trust, and strengthen collegiality. Strong, courageous, focused, collaborative leadership is a win-win approach for all stakeholders. Readers will find

interviews and case studies to illustrate effective practice
strategies to help them move from traditional methodologies toward stronger transformational leadership
vignettes and examples to ignite additional thinking to facilitate achievement for all students

Written for aspiring, new, and experienced school leaders, this is a must-read for anyone who wants practical strategies that they can use immediately to build a culture of learning and improve academic achievement for all students.
"Fearless Conversations School Leaders Have to Have is a professional “toolbox” for aspiring as well as experienced school administrators and teacher leaders or any educator who cares about meeting the needs of today’s student learner. How to address difficult issues in a leadership role, for example, is presented in a realistic perspective through real-life examples, vignettes, and personal reflections that come not only from the authors themselves but also from school leaders currently in the field. These proven strategies bring credibility to the authors’ work. It is a practical guide that can help school leaders stay on the forefront of success in their schools."
Linda Pincham, Associate Professor
Roosevelt University, Chicago, IL
"This book is timely, practical, and clearly anchored in the rich leadership and coaching experiences of the writers. This book is a must read for all leaders and aspiring leaders at the building and central office level. This book will also be useful at the university level where new leaders are being prepared and inspired."
Lynda C. Wood, Ed.D, Retired Superintendent
Southfield Public School District, Southfield, MI

Table of Contents

Table of Contents



About the Authors


Chapter 1: Creating and Sustaining a Viable Work Environment

Chapter 2: Crafting and Supporting Strong Missions and Visions

Chapter 3: Improving Through Effective Feedback

Chapter 4: Increasing Parent and Community Stakeholder Partnerships

Chapter 5: Managing and Sustaining an Organized, Productive, Ever-Changing School Culture

Chapter 6: Boosting Collegial Climates by Providing Embedded Professional Development

Chapter 7: Planning for Success

Appendix A: Daggett System for Effective Instruction Questionnaire

Appendix B: An Invitation to Our Readers





Price: $39.95
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Review Copies

Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.