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Finding One's Way

How Mentoring Can Lead to Dynamic Leadership

Learn how to set up a mentoring program for your district or school that can help administrators be more effective at each stage of their careers. Crow and Matthews identify the functions, content, and meaning of mentoring in education and introduce the concept of mentoring as a career-long learning tool for educational administrators. They describe the different participants as protTgTs, who want or need assistance, and mentors, who lead and teach.

The authors show you how to create a well-planned, supported, and evaluated mentoring program for your school or district. Help administrators develop and maintain the skills, knowledge, and behaviors to excel in their careers. Your effective mentoring program can offer both proteges and mentors:

  • New ideas for encouraging creativity
  • Increased enthusiasm for the learning and teaching process
  • Improved confidence and competence
  • More effective use of reflective practices
  • Long-lasting, meaningful friendships

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9780803965461
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 1997
  • Page Count: 200
  • Publication date: October 30, 1997
Price: $31.95
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Learn how to set up a mentoring program for your district or school that can help administrators be more effective at each stage of their careers. Crow and Matthews identify the functions, content, and meaning of mentoring in education and introduce the concept of mentoring as a career-long learning tool for educational administrators. They describe the different participants as proteges, who want or need assistance, and mentors, who lead and teach.

The authors show you how to create a well-planned, supported, and evaluated mentoring program for your school or district. Help administrators develop and maintain the skills, knowledge, and behaviors to excel in their careers. Your effective mentoring program can offer both proteges and mentors:

  • New ideas for encouraging creativity
  • Increased enthusiasm for the learning and teaching process
  • Improved confidence and competence
  • More effective use of reflective practices
  • Long-lasting, meaningful friendships

The rewards of mentoring spread to include people on the periphery as well. Administrators in districts with mentoring programs find a higher caliber of recruit. School leaders become more involved in the community of learning. An attitude of lifelong learning begins to permeate the school or district culture.

This book covers the major issues of planning, mentor selection, training, evaluation - all those "unique ingredients" necessary at all stages of the administrative journey. For anyone who is involved in developing a mentoring program, who already is a mentor, or who wants to be or have a mentor. Crow and Matthews give you the ideas and tools you need to set up and maintain an effective mentoring program in your school or district.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Finding One's Way

Alone or Together

Mapping the Journey

Socializing as the Context of Mentoring

Getting Out of the Driveway

First Miles for Administrative Interns

Riding Shotgun

Mentoring Administrative Interns

Detours and Switchbacks

Socialization of New Principles

Asking Directions

Mentoring New Principles


Socialization of Midcareer Administration

Creating Your Own Map

Mentoring Midcareer Administrators

Shifting Into High Gear

Establishing Mentor Programs

Price: $31.95
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Review Copies

This book is not available as a review copy.