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Getting Out of Line

A Guide for Teachers Redefining Themselves and Their Profession
This book identifies the classroom methodologies, curriculum and personal professional growth that are essential for ongoing school reform. The author honours the traditions of teaching while simultaneously making a compelling case for change.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9780803965034
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 1997
  • Page Count: 112
  • Publication date: September 18, 1997
Price: $22.95
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"Inspirational stories, thought-provoking parables, memorable quotes . . . It's a book to read, ponder, and debate." Lois Bridges, The Galef Institute "I hope all teachers and administrators read, think, discuss-and then act on these ideas. They nurture greatness." Connie Muther, Consultant, Manchester, Connecticut "One of the clearest statements to date regarding the importance of professional collegiality as the cornerstone of school reform." Martin L. Krovetz, Professor of Educational Administration, San Jose State University Change begins with teachers. Here's a guide to redefining teachers' roles and suggestions for what teachers must do to facilitate lasting school change. Black offers ideas and suggestions to help you become a teacher who works toward change. She advocates changing attitides, classroom methodololies, curriculum, and professional growth even while retaining valuable teaching traditions. This book shows you how to: * Communicate with students and coworkers more effectively and assertively * Refine your approach and build new beliefs * Increase student responsibility for their own learning * Design projects that involve your students "All teachers should read this book. Very powerful." Joseph Chilton Pearce, Author of Magical Child, The Crack in the Cosmic Egg


Table of Contents

Table of Contents



Creating a Personal Approach to Change

Preparing to Live in a Different Reality

Overcoming the Culture of Powerlessness

Becoming the New Teacher

Viewing the New Teacher in Action

Embracing the New View

Price: $22.95
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