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Google Apps Meets Common Core

Maximize learning and exceed Common Core requirements using Google’s suite of easy-to-use tools. Includes step-by-step guidance, screen shots, links, and sample K-12 lesson plans.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781452257334
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2013
  • Page Count: 248
  • Publication date: May 09, 2013
Price: $33.95
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Your all-in-one solution to college and career readiness in the 21st century!

No doubt about it, technology is a necessity in the Common Core classroom. Enhance your curriculum and launch a stress-free implementation of the Common Core’s required technology components with Google’s suite of free, easy-to-use educational tools.

Written for both the tech-challenged and tech-savvy teacher, this book shows you the "how" and "why" of using Google Apps for Education to meet key college and career readiness standards. Michael Graham shows how you can easily plan fun, Common Core-aligned lessons with

  • Specific, step-by-step instructions and screen shots for a variety of Google apps
  • Complete sample lesson plans and correlations for elementary, middle school, and high school
  • Technology Infused Teaching Tips for maximum integration of Common Core standards into your curriculum
  • Resource Links to training videos, websites, and interviews with current Google Apps for Education users
  • Classroom management and online safety tips
  • Authentic student work examples
  • Preparation for the Next Generation Assessments

In clear and direct language, Google Apps Meets Common Core walks you through the process of transforming your classroom into a 21st century learning lab for college and career ready students!

"The author provides simple directions approachable to tech users at any level, from novice to advanced. I was so glad to discover new apps and ways to use technology in my classroom and for my own record keeping."
—Heidi Guadagni, Learning Specialist
French Prairie Middle School, Woodburn, OR

"This book provides wealth of information to learn how to use Google Apps as a learning tool in the classroom. You’ll learn how to provide your students with the skills needed to become proficient with using technology throughout their day and have access to their work from any device."
—Betty Rivinus, Special Education Teacher
Canby School District, OR

Key features

  • Provides step-by-step tutorials on how to use the Google Apps for Education suite.
  • Describes how each tool can impact student learning, promote 21st century skills, and meet and exceed the Common Core State Standards.
  • Offers classroom examples, teaching tips, and sample lessons aligned to the Common Core standards to help teachers begin to use these tools effectively.
  • Addresses how to use Google tools to monitor progress and mastery of the Common Core standards.
  • An extensive collection of web resources are housed here: http://goo.gl/Envlf
  • More resources can be found at the book's companion website: www.21learning.net


Michael J. Graham photo

Michael J. Graham

Learn more about Michael Graham's PD offerings

Michael J. Graham is the Assistant Principal of Westside High School in Jonesboro, Arkansas where he will help lead a 1:1 Chromebook initiative this fall. Westside High School will equip approximately 650 students with devices to improve their educational experience both in the classroom and at home. Michael is a Google Apps for Education Certified Trainer and author of Google Apps Meets Common Core. In his role as assistant principal he manages and develops technology related professional development that improves instruction for teachers at his school and around the nation. He has a special talent for making teachers feel comfortable and confident when implementing 21st Century skills into their classrooms.

Before becoming an administrator Michael taught 8th grade math for 5 years and was the instructional technologist for grades 5-8 for 2 years in a high poverty school. As instructional technologist he worked closely with classroom teachers coaching them on best practices using technology in the classroom. His book is based on real classroom experiences and all of the lesson plans and lesson ideas in the book have been vetted in real classrooms.

Michael is a leading force in education technology in his state and around the nation. He serves on the joint Arkansas Department of Education-California Department of Education’s Technology Information Center for Administrative Leadership (TICAL Project). He also serves on the boards of the Hot Springs Technology Institute and Arkansas iTunesU Education Portal. Michael presents at events around the country including ISTE. Follow Michael J. Graham on Twitter for the latest on education technology and innovative teaching practices @mjgraham0.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents



About the Author

1. Common Core State Standards and Technology

2. Google Apps for Education

3. Gmail

4. Documents

5. Presentations

6. Spreadsheets

7. Forms

8. Drawings

9. Calendar

10. Drive

11. Even More





Price: $33.95
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Related Resources

  • Access to companion resources is available with the purchase of this book.