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How to Build an Instructional Coaching Program for Maximum Capacity

By: Nina Jones Morel, Carla Staton Cushman

Forward by Stephen G. Barkley

The authors engage school and district leaders with a nautical metaphor that guides them through the journey of developing and sustaining an effective coaching program.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-12
  • ISBN: 9781452202891
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2012
  • Page Count: 232
  • Publication date: December 19, 2012
Price: $40.95
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Chart your course for success: A guide for school and district leaders

As school and district leaders navigate the sea of new initiatives and standards, shoring up with an instructional coaching program is more critical than ever before. Research supports the value of coaches in improving school culture and facilitating change that leads to staff and student success. This comprehensive resource guides school and district leaders through the journey of developing and sustaining an effective coaching program. The authors engage readers with a nautical metaphor that outlines the planning and implementation process, including how to

  • Cast a vision for the coaching program
  • Determine desired characteristics of instructional coaches
  • Use data to evaluate and refine the program
  • Communicate the benefits to leaders, principals, and teachers
  • Design appropriate professional training and support

The Facilitator's Guide includes chapter-by-chapter resources, references, forms, vignettes, and brain-based learning activities for groups. The authors inspire educators to abandon the "old school" isolation islands for a collaborative culture that champions professional learning for the benefit of districts, schools, staff, and—most importantly—students.

Key features

(1) Provides a practical framework for starting and sustaining a viable instructional coaching program.
(2) Chapter includes tools to "model the model," e.g., reflection prompts, vignettes, and brain-based learning activities for groups.
(3) Includes an array of reproducibles to help readers navigate throughout their own journeys.


Nina Jones Morel photo

Nina Jones Morel

Nina Jones Morel is an associate professor of education and director of masters programs at Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tennessee. She was a 2005 winner of the Milken Foundation National Educator Award and has taught at the middle, high school, undergraduate and graduate levels. She has served as a school district administrator and a coaching champion.
Carla Staton Cushman photo

Carla Staton Cushman

Carla Staton Cushman, Ed.S. is the director of the Sumner County Teacher Center in Gallatin, Tennessee, and a coaching champion. She began her career in education as an elementary teacher and has served as a middle school assistant principal and principal. She is currently a doctoral candidate at Union University in Hendersonville, Tennessee. Carla is married and has two adult children and four grandchildren.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Foreword by Stephen G. Barkley


About the Authors

1. Prevailing Winds: Navigating the Perfect Storm

2. Dead Reckoning: Beginning Wth the End in Mind

3. Sounding the Depths: Using Data for Reflecting, Refining, and Celebrating

4. Ready, Set, Sail: Selecting the Coaching Crew

5. O, Captain, My Captain: Preparing the Principal

6. Anchors Aweigh: Preparing Coaches Through Preservice Instruction

7. All Hands on Deck: Preparing the Teachers and Staff

8. Trimming the Sails: Ongoing Professional Learning and Support

9. Mooring the Ship: Avalon or Ithaca?



Facilitator's Guide

References for Facilitator's Guide




Price: $40.95
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