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IEPs for ELs

And Other Diverse Learners
First Edition
By: John Hoover, James R. Patton

With practical guidance and checklists, this book provides educators with research-based strategies and examples that empower them to write effective IEPs for K-12 EL learners.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781506328188
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2017
  • Page Count: 232
  • Publication date: April 06, 2017
Price: $40.95
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Develop and monitor high-quality IEPs for diverse learners

High-quality IEPs are fundamental for guiding the educational process of and developing goals for students who require special education services. English learners (ELs) and other students with learning, emotional, or behavioral disabilities present unique challenges to educators responsible for referring, assessing, and placing them. IEPs for ELs provides educators with numerous research-based strategies and examples of how to write effective IEPs for these K-12 learners.

John J. Hoover and James Patton, leading professionals in the areas of special education and linguistic diversity, share their research and how they have supported ELs who have, or are suspected of having, learning and intellectual disabilities. Readers will find:

  • Practical guidance for developing and monitoring culturally and linguistically responsive IEPs
  • Checklists, guides, and other reproducibles that support IEP development
  • Case studies and vignettes highlighting examples of appropriate IEPs for diverse learners

Filled with expert practical advice that covers the IEP process and walks the reader through the procedure for creating high-quality IEPs that take individual differences into account, this guide is essential for special educators and bilingual/EL specialists.

“A major strength for this book is its unique tie to English learners, while providing a dual focus on IEP writing. This is a great tool to use when training new special education teachers and IEP facilitators. There are direct connections to writing legally defensible plans with a user-friendly focus on IEP writing. I see this book as a tool to support teachers and students in ensuring that language and cultural considerations are included when developing and updating individual plans.”
—Renee Bernhardt, Supervisor, Special Education
Cherokee County School District, GA


John Hoover photo

John Hoover

John J. Hoover is Associate Research Professor at the University of Colorado Boulder and a former K–12 special educator, teaching diverse students representing multiple languages and cultures in western, southwestern, and mid-western states. He earned a BA in Elementary and Special Education (Intellectual Disabilities), an MA in Learning Disabilities and Emotional Disorders with an emphasis in Reading, and a PhD in Curriculum specializing in Special Education. His research agenda for the past two decades has focused on the topic of culturally and linguistically responsive special education referral and assessment of English language and other diverse learners. He is currently PI on a multi-year grant funded project addressing ELs and multi-tiered supports, special education referral and assessment of culturally and linguistically diverse learners, and graduate level teacher preparation for teaching English language and other diverse learners with and without disabilities. Select recent coauthored/coedited books include: Why do English learners struggle with reading: Distinguishing language acquisition from learning disabilities (Pearson); Linking assessment to instruction in multi-tiered models: A teacher’s guide to selecting reading, writing and mathematics interventions (Pearson); Differentiating learning differences from learning and behavioral disabilities: Teaching diverse learners through multi-tiered response to intervention (Allyn & Bacon); and Methods for teaching culturally and linguistically diverse exceptional learners (Pearson Merrill). He also is co-author of a nationally normed reading test, Early Reading Assessment (Pro-Ed), and of a research-based educator self-assessment and professional development tool, Core ESL Instructional Practices (CEIP) Guide. Recent referred journal publications include: Increasing usage of ESL instructional practices in a rural county elementary school, Rural Educator (2015); Culturally responsive special education referrals of English learners in one rural county school district: Pilot project, Rural Special Education Quarterly (2015), and Reducing unnecessary referrals: Guidelines for teachers of diverse learners, Teaching Exceptional Children (2012).

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


About the Authors

About the Contributors

Introduction: Blueprint of IEPs for ELs and Other Diverse Learners

Underlying Assumptions of the IEP Development Stage

Topical Areas and Terminology

Chapter 1: Understanding a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Multi-Tiered System of Supports

Practitioner’s Perspective

Overview of MTSS

MTSS and Cultural and Linguistic Diversity

Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching Qualities

What Makes an IEP Culturally and Linguistically Responsive?

Educational Framework for Diverse Learners With Disabilities

IEP Development Principles for English Language and Other Diverse Learners


Chapter 2: Essential Components of IEPs for English Language and Other Diverse Learners

Practitioner’s Perspective

Required Components of IEPs per IDEA

Other Mandated IEP Considerations per IDEA

IEP Team: Essential Members for Diversity


Chapter 3: Role and Function of Academic Language in IEPs

Practitioner’s Perspective

Academic Language Historical Perspective

Academic Language Processes

Inclusion of Academic Language Proficiency in IEP Development



Chapter 4: Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance: Determining Accurate Levels and Developing Meaningful Statements

Practitioner’s Perspective

What Are PLAAFP and Why Are They Important?

Creating Meaningful PLAAFP Statements Using the CRISEN Principles

Examples of Meaningful and Instructionally Relevant PLAAFP Statements

Developing Responsive and Defensible PLAAFP


Chapter 5: IEPs and the Development of Measurable Annual Goals Using SMART Principles

Practitioner’s Perspective

Introductory Considerations

What Is a SMART Goal?

Examples of SMART Goals

Developing SMART Goals

Making SMART Goals Culturally and Linguistically Responsive


Chapter 6: Delivering Appropriate IEP Services

Practitioner’s Perspective

English Language Development and IEP Implementation

Addressing Language and Content During Instruction for English Learners

Implementing the IEP


Chapter 7: Special Considerations and Diversity

Practitioner’s Perspective

Supplemental Aids/Services for Diverse Learners

Accommodations and Modifications

Assistive Technology and Services

Functional Behavioral Assessment and Behavioral Intervention Plans

High Stakes Assessment, Diversity, and IEPs


BIP-3: Functional Behavioral Assessment (Sample)

BIP-3: Behavioral Intervention Plan (Sample)

Chapter 8: IEP Progress Monitoring and Diverse Needs

Practitioner’s Perspective

Progress Monitoring Defined and Overview

Culturally Responsive Monitoring Competencies

Progress-Monitoring Practices

Progress-Monitoring Interpretation for Diverse Learners: Special Considerations


Chapter 9: Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Transition Planning and Services

Practitioner’s Perspective

Successful Adult Functioning

Basic Concepts Associated With Transition Planning and Services

Transition Planning for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students


Chapter 10: Guidelines for Successful IEP Meetings for Diverse Learners

Practitioner’s Perspective

Importance of Funds of Knowledge in Education

Pre-Meeting Suggestions

During–IEP Meeting Suggestions

Post-Meeting Suggestions


Chapter 11: Putting the IEP Pieces Together

Summary of IEP Skill Sets for English Language and Other Diverse Learners

The Integrated IEP for Diverse Learners



Commercially Available Instruments for Determining Present Levels of Performance

Elementary Individualized Education Program (Sample)

Secondary Individualized Education Program (Sample)





Price: $40.95
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