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The Intelligent, Responsive Leader

By: Steven Katz, Lisa Ain Dack, John Malloy

Co Publication with OPC

Intended to harmonize the expectations from districts and practitioners, this book unpacks what it means to learn to lead a learning organization, or an intelligent, responsive school.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781506333151
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2017
  • Page Count: 192
  • Publication date: June 30, 2017
Price: $29.95
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Jump start your roles as “learning leader” and “lead learner!”

Designed for leaders to learn and lead within the “middle space” between the seemingly opposing dynamics of district expectations and practitioner experience, this book advances the concept of the school as a learning organization. This innovative perspective guides leaders through an intentional, deliberate learning process to develop intelligent, responsive leadership practice. Using stories, strategies, and tools, the authors

  • Explain the power of “purposeful practice” as a methodology for getting better
  • Show how to build the requisite capacities to lead effectively via “influence”
  • Describe how to turn adaptive challenges into leadership inquiries for growth

"This important work demonstrates and reinforces the idea that continuous improvement can only come from deep, intentional, focused, and hard work on the part of everyone within an organization. While the examples are rooted within schools and school districts, this work is applicable to any organization that seeks meaningful and specific improvement in their results. This is a must-read for leaders!"

—Lynn Macan

University at Albany - SUNY, Albany, NY



Steven Katz photo

Steven Katz

Steven Katz is the director of Aporia Consulting Ltd. and a faculty member in the Applied Psychology and Human Development at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto (OISE, UT), where he teaches in the Child Study and Education graduate program. He is the recipient of the OISE, UT- wide award for teaching excellence. Steven has a PhD in human development and applied psychology, with specialization in applied cognitive science. His areas of expertise include cognition and learning, teacher education, networked learning communities, leading professional learning, and evidence-informed decision making for school improvement. He has received the Governor General’s Medal for excellence in his field and has been involved in research and evaluation, professional development, and consulting with a host of educational organizations around the world. He is the author of several best-selling books, including Leading Schools in a Data-Rich World, Building and Connecting Learning Communities, Intentional Interruption, and The Intelligent, Responsive Leader.

Lisa Ain Dack photo

Lisa Ain Dack

Lisa Ain Dack is a senior associate at Aporia Consulting Ltd. and an instructor in the Master of Teaching and Master of Child Study and Education programs at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto (OISE, UT). She has a PhD in developmental psychol­ogy and education from OISE, UT, with a collaborative degree in developmental science. She is the 2017 recipient of the OISE, UT award for excellence in Initial Teacher Education. Lisa facilitates Leader Learning Teams in various school districts in Ontario, leads numerous research projects investigating learning teams, and is involved in research projects on assessment and evaluation. She also undertakes program evaluations at both the primary and secondary levels. In addition, she leads workshops for administrators and teachers throughout Ontario on Leader Learning Teams, professional learning, and data-driven deci­sion making. She is coauthor of the best-selling book Intentional Interruption. Lisa and her husband Jeff have three children, Sadie, Rachel, and Dylan.

John Malloy photo

John Malloy

John Malloy is the Director of Education for the Toronto District School Board. He has an Ed.D. in educational administration from the University of Toronto (OISE, UT). Prior to being the Director of Education in Toronto, John held senior leadership positions at the Ontario Ministry of Education and in three other Ontario school boards. John's areas of expertise include leadership development, large scale system change, strategic planning, professional learning, and equity. John has fostered a culture of collaborative inquiry and shared leadership in each of the school districts where he has led, which in turn has produced improved outcomes for students.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


The Rationale

The Focus


Reading and Using This Book


Publisher’s Acknowledgments

About the Authors

Chapter 1: The Challenge of Leading in the Middle Space

Beyond Intentional Interruption

The Centrality of Professional Learning

Leading in the Middle Space

Implementation Challenges at the Nexus of Pressures and Supports

Initiativitis and Literal Leadership

Polemics in the Middle Space

Time for Reflection

Chapter 2: The Intelligent, Responsive School

The Power of And

Prescription and Professional Judgment

Intelligent Expectations

Responsive Conditions

The Relationship Between Intelligent and Responsive

Beyond Polemics

Time for Reflection

Chapter 3: Intelligent, Responsive Leadership Practice

Leadership, Professional Learning, and Classroom Practice

Intelligent Leadership Practices

Leading an Intelligent, Responsive School

Time for Reflection

Chapter 4: The Psychological Foundations of “Getting Better”

The Psychological Foundations of Leadership Learning Inquiries

The Psychological Foundations of Collaborative Leader Learning

Time for Reflection

Chapter 5: Getting Better at “Influence” Through Leader Learning Inquiries

What Are Leader Learning Teams?

Leadership Learning Inquiries

Developing a Leadership Inquiry Question Using Our Leadership Inquiry Template

The “How” of a Leadership Inquiry

Why Sticking With the Template Matters

Knowing When a Leadership Inquiry Is “Done”

Moving Forward

Time for Reflection

Chapter 6: Ensuring That Together Is Better

The Mechanics of the Leader Learning Team

The Ongoing Spirit of Critical Friendship

Our Learning Conversations Protocol: An Intentional Interruption Strategy for Enhanced Collaborative Learning

Toward a Preferred Future of the Intelligent, Responsive School

Time for Reflection





Price: $29.95
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Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.