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Intensive Scheduling

Restructuring America's Secondary Schools Through Time Management
Intensive scheduling or block scheduling has become a controversial educational reform initiative in the United States. This book centres on the difficult questions that surface about intensive scheduling and addresses important concerns and common successes. Unlike other books that cover this topic from a theoretical standpoint, the book provides a blueprint from a practitioner's perspective.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: 6-12
  • ISBN: 9780803966543
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 1998
  • Page Count: 120
  • Publication date: January 21, 1998
Price: $24.95
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"Hottenstein's book does an outstanding job in going from theory to practice. This book should be read from cover to cover by any educator who is in the process of developing a school schedule." Gerald E. Strock, Superintendent, School District of Hatboro-Horsham, Pennsylvania "A valuable resource for administrators and teachers. This book reflects the true experience of a practitioner who has successfully changed the use of instructional time and, as a result, improved student achievement." John A. Lammel, Associate Executive Director and Director of High School Services, National Association of Secondary School Principals "Hottenstein's knowledge is grounded in first-hand experience, gained through running a high school." Gene I. Maeroff, Director, Hechinger Institute on Education and the Media What does intensive scheduling look like? Does it work better than traditional ways of managing time in schools? Can you make it work for your school? Hottenstein answers these questions and offers you practical, logical guidance for changing to intensive class scheduling. What will you, your teachers, and most of all, your students get from intensive scheduling? Your students will focus more clearly on each subject. Your teachers will feel less stressed. Your teachers and your students will have fewer of each other to deal with. And you, your staff, and your students will have built a true learning organization. What's the bottom line? Your teachers will teach more effectively, and your students will learn more. The author shows you how to get from theory to practice by following these steps: 1. Do a school self-analysis and get everybody's input. 2. Develop your short-range expectations. 3. Establish your long-range vision. 4. Set a workable timeline. 5. Evaluate and measure as you go, then make course corrections. Begin by designing and implementing a thorough, ongoing professional development program. The author shows you how to build a program that gives teachers ongoing preparation and support before, during, and after the shift to intensive scheduling. You'll see why it's important for teachers to gain top-notch skills and competencies for their longer, more interactive work with students. Hottenstein helps you discover and set your important goals for school, staff, and students. Find out how you and your staff can *Balance what students need to know with skills they need to learn *Raise curriculum standards *Maximize teaching effectiveness *Reap the benefits of regular assessment *Make better use of technology in classrooms
Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Why It's Necessary and How to Manage It Successfully

Restructuring through Time Management

Preparing Teachers for Intensive Scheduling

Teaching inside the Block

Impact on Curriculum and Technology

Evaluation and Results


A Vision for Secondary Schools of the Future

Price: $24.95
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