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Lifelong Leadership by Design

How to Do More Good for Kids and Feel Better About Your Life's Work

Build a dynamic career by design—not by default!

Written for school leaders at all levels of experience, this essential guide helps readers take charge of their careers, advance professionally, and leave a legacy of stronger schools and improved learning opportunities for children. Based on the best-selling author's extensive school leadership experience, this resource includes: 

  • The seven critical choices that shape school leadership
  • Guidance on making tough calls and hard choices
  • Advice on finding the right position and work environment and thriving personally and professionally
  • Numerous real-life examples of how education leaders face and overcome challenges

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-12
  • ISBN: 9781412969062
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2009
  • Page Count: 208
  • Publication date: October 29, 2009
Price: $41.95
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"This book offers aspiring and veteran school leaders insightful, practical, and proven strategies to successfully acquire and thrive in meaningful professional positions."
—David Freitas, Professor
Indiana University South Bend

Build a dynamic career by design—not by default!

Given the challenges of today's educational environment, a school leader's career is far from predictable—but it can be a purposeful and successful journey. This essential guide helps educators take charge of their careers, advance professionally, and leave a legacy of stronger schools and improved learning opportunities for children.

Based on the best-selling author's extensive school leadership experience, this book helps readers wisely navigate their careers and stay true to their values. The author addresses concerns for readers at every stage of professional life—from highly experienced administrators to those aspiring to leadership positions. Readers will find personal coaching on leading both oneself and others, including:

  • The seven critical choices that shape school leadership, from setting goals to choosing the right battles
  • Guidance on making tough calls and hard choices
  • Advice on finding the right position and work environment and how to flourish personally and professionally
  • Numerous real-life examples of how education leaders face and overcome challenges and build effective learning environments

Take action today to build a purposeful career in school leadership and make a positive difference in children's lives!



Robert D. Ramsey photo

Robert D. Ramsey

Robert D. Ramsey is a lifelong educator who has served as a "leader of leaders" in three award-winning school districts in two different states. His frontline experience includes positions a teacher, counselor, assistant principal, curriculum director, assistant superintendent, acting superintendent, and adjunct professor. Most recently, he has served as associate superintendent in the St. Louis Park (MN) schools, where every school has been designated by the federal government as a National School of Excellence. Ramsey is now working full-time as a freelance writer in Minneapolis.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Preface: It’s Not My High School Principal’s Predictable Career Path Anymore


About the Author

About the Title

Introduction: No-Limit Leadership by Design

1. Your Chosen Journey: Building a Better Leadership Career on Purpose

Is This What You Want?

Are You Leadership Material?

What’s a Career? What’s Not?

Who’s in Control?

What Should You Expect?

What’s the Plan?

2. The Seven Critical Choices That Shape Your Leadership

1. Choosing Core Values

2. Leading With Attitude

3. Defining Stretch Goals

4. Getting Priorities Straight

5. Finding Role Models

6. Associates by Choice

7. Picking the Right Battles

Choosing When It’s Confusing

3. Overcoming Self-Imposed Limits, Career Blockers, and False Ceilings

False Ceilings and Self-Made Limitations

Other Self-Sabotaging Behaviors

4. Natural Laws of Lifelong School Leadership

Natural Laws You Can Use

Natural Laws of Career Design

Natural Laws of School Leadership

Ignorance Is No Excuse

5. Navigation Tips for a Lifelong Journey in School Leadership

The Journey Begins in Your Mind

Seeking, Starting, Stopping, and Switching Jobs as a School Leader (or Growing Where You’re Planted)

Becoming Indispensable, Promotable, and Transferable

The Most Important Skill of All for Today’s (and Tomorrow’s) School Leaders

How to Step Up, Stand Out, and Stand Apart as a School Leader

Staying the Course and Staying Motivated

Finding Your Soul as a School Leader

6. Success “Secrets” for Career School Leaders

The Power of Thinking Big

Leading Others: Building Relationships to Get Results

Leading Yourself: Managing the Most Difficult Person of All

7. Stepping Stones and Stumbling Blocks to Effective School Leadership

Common Stepping Stones and Stumbling Blocks for School Leaders

The Most Influential Career Stepping Stones and Stumbling Blocks

The Boss Factor

The Job Itself as a Stumbling Block

The Resilient School Leader: Overcoming Stumbling Blocks and Turning Obstacles Into Opportunities

8. Making Tough Calls and Hard Choices

Deciding to Decide

Career-Changing Choices

A How-to-Decide Guide

A Permanent State of Transition

9. Evolution of a Lifelong Career and Leaving a Lasting Legacy

Developmental Phases of Successful School Leadership

Every Phase Adds Value to the Legacy

Definition of a Legacy

Planting Seeds for Lasting Impact

How to Design a Legacy to Be Proud Of

10. A Final Word

Resource A. What Others Say

Resource B. Read More About It




Price: $41.95
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