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Making the Principal TExES Exam Real:

Competency-Based Case Studies with Practice Questions

In this comprehensive new guide, Elaine L. Wilmore turns her TExES exam expertise to the exacting standards, domains and competencies tested by the Principal exam.

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781483366739
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2015
  • Page Count: 104
  • Publication date: May 08, 2015
Price: $31.95
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Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.



Learn From The Best As You Prepare For The Principal TExES Exam.

The TexES Principal exam is a high-pressure undertaking, as a passing score is required before principal certification can be granted. Prospective new school principals are faced with a difficult exam that requires careful case analysis and responses to multiple options.

Elaine L. Wilmore’s books have helped countless educators succeed on TExES exams and are widely recognized as the gold standard in TExES preparation. In this comprehensive new guide, the author turns her expertise to another facet of the exacting standards tested by the Principal exam.

Beginning with a thorough overview, Wilmore delves into case studies that all students will find useful and applicable to their preparation. To solidify the concepts, the book includes multiple practice exam questions with a detailed answer key. Other features include:

  • Graphics to clarify complex concepts
  • A clear breakdown of the domains and competencies tested on the exam
  • Specific advice and strategies for first-time test takers and also those who previously failed

Texas needs great principals more than ever. With this book, your path to joining them is much clearer.

"Dr. Wilmore's book is essential to preparing for the Principal TExES exam. The questions are aligned and provide an accurate experience that allows principal candidates to assess strengths and weaknesses in order to target specific competencies for additional study."
Amy Burkman, Ed.D., Assistant Principal
Wylie Independent School District, Wylie, Texas

"Dr. Wilmore's book is so critical to the success of our UTSA students that we purchase a copy for each student in our program."

David P. Thompson, Professor of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies

The University of Texas at San Antonio, One UTSA Circle

Key features

Special Materials: Chapters 2 - 10 will follow the following format:

  • An overview of the domain and/or competency

  • Tables and figures geared for visual and kinesthetic learners

  • The case studies

  • Reflective Questions

  • Practice TExES Exam questions aligned with this competency



Elaine L. Wilmore photo

Elaine L. Wilmore

Learn more about Elaine Wilmore's PD offerings

Dr. Elaine Wilmore was a public school teacher, counselor, elementary, and middle school principal before she moved to higher education. She has extensive background in everything from Early Childhood Education to creating and leading doctoral programs. She currently serves as a Doctoral Dissertation Adviser for Nova Southeastern University. She also founded and is President of Elaine L. Wilmore Leadership Initiatives, which focuses on improving campus and district leadership to increase student performance. Elaine formerly served as a Professor, the Chair of Educational Leadership, Counseling, and Foundations and as the founding Doctoral Director at the University of Texas of the Permian Basin. She also served at Dallas Baptist University as Assistant Vice President for Educational Networking and Program Director for the M.Ed. and, again, the implementing director of the Doctor of Education degree in Educational Leadership.

Prior to her position at Dallas Baptist University, Dr. Wilmore served as Special Assistant to the Dean for NCATE Accreditation, Chair and Associate Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA), and was the founder of all initial Educational Leadership graduate programs at UTA including the innovative field-based and grant funded Educational Leadership UTA, which received national acclaim, and the Scholars of Practice program. While at UTA she also served as Director of University Program Development where she developed and was the original Chair of the Faculty Governance Committee for the College of Education. Dr. Wilmore’s respect amongst those in higher education has led her to serve as a tenure reviewer in four states and a manuscript and proposal reviewer for many conferences and professional journals.

"I attended your workshop at College Station this past summer. I am happy to announce that I passed my certification exam the first time around! I am so excited and look forward to the future and what doors may open. Thank you for your strategies and your book!" - Elodia Witterstaetter, TX

Table of Contents

Table of Contents



About the Author

Section I. Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions

1. Hello!

2. What About All Those Domains And Competencies? They Scare Me: Overview of the TExES Learner-Centered Domains and Competencies

Section II. Domain I: School Community Leadership

3. Competencey 001: It's All About The Vision

4. Competency 002: Do You Hear What I Am Really Saying?

5. Competency 003: Why Should We Even Need To Be Told?

Section III. Domain II: Instructional Leadership

6. Competency 004: Curriculum and Instruction: The Meat and Potatoes of Education

7. Competency 005: Professional Development—Student Learning: One of These Things Leads to the Other

8. Competency 006: Staff Evaluation: Doing it Right

9. Competency 007: Making Sound Data-Based Decisions: Easier Said Than Done

Section IV. Domain III: Administrative Leadership

10. Competency 008: Campus Management at Its Finest

11. Competency 009: Campus and Student Safety as Top Priorities

Section V. Summing It Up

12. Here A Question, There a Question, Everywhere a Question, Question





Price: $31.95
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Review Copies

Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.