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Co-Teaching for English Learners
Choose from seven co-teaching models, each with clear explanations of advantages, challenges, and each teacher’s role, plus techniques, tools, and accompanying videos and web content.
- Grade Level: PreK-12
- ISBN: 9781483390918
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2017
- Page Count: 312
- Publication date: October 17, 2017
Review Copies
Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.
“Dove and Honigsfeld's new book arrives at the perfect time as an increasing number of schools move to a collaborative instructional model and are searching for guidance. The authors not only tell us how to effectively collaborate and co-teach to benefit English learners, they actually show us what each component of the collaborative instructional cycle looks and feels like, complemented by innovative video and web content.”
—DIANE STAEHR FENNER, Coauthor of Unlocking ELs’ Potential and President of SupportEd
Because teacher collaboration isn’t an option, it’s a MUST!
The proof is borne out by any assessment: our non-native speakers learn faster and achieve more when general ed teachers and EL specialists co-plan and co-deliver instruction in the very same classroom. That’s why you’ll want to put Co-Teaching for English Learners at the top of your reading list. Step by step, EL authorities Maria Dove and Andrea Honigsfeld walk you through the entire collaborative instruction cycle, along with seven potential classroom configurations from which to choose.
Whether you’re new to co-teaching or just see room for improvement in your practice, this practical handbook delivers every technique and tool you need to make the most of your collaboration, including video footage of co-teaching in action. Inside you’ll find:
• In-depth profiles of the seven models, with detailed descriptions and analyses
• A review of advantages and challenges of each model’s implementation
• Clear explanations of each teacher’s role along with self-assessment tools
• Tried-and-true strategies for the entire instructional cycle: co-planning, co-instruction, co-assessment, and reflection
• Real-life accounts from co-teaching veterans
Long gone are the days when our ELs are taught in isolation—and rightfully so. Read Co-Teaching for English Learners, implement its strategies, and soon enough you, too, can set up a learning environment in which all students thrive.
Key features
(1) Provides a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to the major models of co-teaching for ELs as well as other collaborative practices that support EL achievement.
(2) Includes sample lessons for each co-teaching configuration as well as descriptions of the advantages and challenges of each model.
(3) Includes a series of classroom videos linked to the book by QR codes, which illustrate the various co-teaching practices with analyses of each example.
(4) The book will include an array of reproducibles (templates, checklists, etc.) that will also be available on a passcode-protected web site.

Maria G. Dove

Andrea Honigsfeld
Andrea Honigsfeld, EdD, is Professor in the School of Education at Molloy University, Rockville Centre, New York. Before entering the field of teacher education, she was an English-as-a-foreign-language teacher in Hungary (Grades 5–8 and adult) and an English-as-a-second-language teacher in New York City (Grades K–3 and adult). She also taught Hungarian at New York University. She was the recipient of a doctoral fellowship at St. John’s University, New York, where she conducted research on individualized instruction and learning styles. She has published extensively on working with English language learners and providing individualized instruction based on learning style preferences. She received a Fulbright Award to lecture in Iceland in the fall of 2002. In the past twelve years, she has been presenting at conferences across the United States, Great Britain, Denmark, Sweden, the Philippines, and the United Arab Emirates.
She coauthored Differentiated Instruction for At-Risk Students (2009) and co-edited the five-volume Breaking the Mold of Education series (2010–2013), published by Rowman and Littlefield. She is also the co-author of Core Instructional Routines: Go-To Structures for Effective Literacy Teaching, K–5 and 6–12 (2014), published by Heinemann. With Maria Dove, she co-edited Coteaching and Other Collaborative Practices in the EFL/ESL Classroom: Rationale, Research, Reflections, and Recommendations (2012) and co-authored Collaboration and Co-Teaching: Strategies for English Learners (2010), Common Core for the Not-So-Common Learner, Grades K–5: English Language Arts Strategies (2013), Common Core for the Not-So-Common Learner, Grades 6–12: English Language Arts Strategies (2013), Beyond Core Expectations: A Schoolwide Framework for Serving the Not-So-Common Learner (2014), Collaboration and Co-Teaching: A Leader’s Guide (2015), Coteaching for English Learners: A Guide to Collaborative Planning, Instruction, Assessment, and Reflection (2018), Collaborating for English Learners: A Foundational Guide to Integrated Practices (2019), Co-Planning: 5 Essential Practices to Integrate Curriculum and Instruction for English Learners (2022). She is a contributing author of Breaking Down the Wall: Essential Shifts for English Learner Success (2020), From Equity Insights to Action (2021), and Digital-Age Teaching for English Learners (2022). Nine of her Corwin books are bestsellers.
Table of Contents
About the Authors
1. Teacher Collaboration Is Not an Option: It Is a Must
2. Co-Planning
3. Model 1—One Group: One Leads, One “Teaches on Purpose”
4. Model 2—One Group: Two Teach the Same Content
5. Model 3—One Group: One Teaches, One Assesses
6. Model 4—Two Groups: Two Teach Same Content
7. Model 5—Two Groups: One Preteaches, One Teaches Alternative Information
8. Model 6—Two Groups: One Reteaches, One Teaches Alternative Information
9. Model 7—Multiple Groups: Two Monitor/Teach
10. Collaborative Assessment
11. Reflection: Closing the Collaborative Instructional Cycle . . . and Starting a New One
"Supporting one of the fastest growing segments of the nation’s student population can be challenging, particularly when educators work in isolation. Maria Dove and Andrea Honigsfeld show us how to support English learners through collaborative practices that work. This must-have book draws from the most current research and provides multiple practical examples, protocols, and essential questions to guide us in making collaborative practices a reality in our own particular settings."Dr. Debbie Zacarian, President
Zacarian and Associates
"Dr. Dove and Dr. Honigsfeld articulated it very clearly when they presented to our teachers of ELLS in Western New York: 'You cannot have successful co-teaching without co-planning.' Their new books continues the much-needed conversation on how to co-teach by looking carefully at the relationships and the school-based opportunities required for success. All teachers have the need to refine new practices in our profession that lead our students effective academic outcomes. Dove and Honigsfeld have a unique ability to define with ease the why and the how of tackling effective co-teaching for ELLs. We must change the ways we have always done our work as teachers. There is no going back when we know more because of the work of these two important researchers."Denise Gonez-Santos, Executive Director
Regional Bilingual Education-Resource Network West
"Dove and Honigsfeld have captured the essence of co-teaching through the recommended practice of collaborative teamwork using Model 7: Multiple Groups Two Model/ Teach. One example of this model demonstrated how both teachers are engaged in small group instruction and plan for independent activities where students explore grade level content with the scaffolding of and modifications to age appropriate readings. To ensure success when using this co-teaching model, the research shared by the authors demonstrated the necessity of students to be involved in highly engaging activities while discovering new information. This hands-on learning approach allows English learners to develop new language skills through the application of speaking, reading, and writing tasks."Susan Brown, English Learner Specialist
Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools
"As a large and diverse urban school system, our district needed to create a service model structure to meet the needs of over 15,000 English Learner students (ELs), representing over 120 languages. We selected co-teaching as one of the service models because this model allowed students to remain in the content class with their native English-speaking peers while receiving their required EL services. Co-teaching is an ideal model for our district because it allows for students at all levels of English language proficiency access to the complex grade-level content, tasks, and standards while acquiring productive and receptive language skills. With the support of Dr. Dove and Dr. Honigsfeld, our district is in our second year of implementing the EL co-teaching model. We started by analyzing the data and grouping students based on their language needs and allowing the EL teacher to co-teach in sheltered ELD/English Language Arts classes. In this classes, we saw over 2 years growth as evidenced by text level assessments. At the middle and high school level, co-teaching expanded to content classes to support English learners through an integrated approach alongside the content teacher. Both models proved to be successful for our district as we added another 29 EL co-teachers this school year. Dr. Dove and Dr. Honigsfeld's new book provides a deep dive into the advantages and challenges of each co-teaching model along with low-prep strategies for the partners. This is essential in helping the content and EL teacher select the appropriate model for their setting and to implement high-yield strategies in the integrated language and content setting. The authors highlight the importance of collaboration among EL teachers and content teachers to have shared accountability for the academic, linguistic and social emotional success of ELs."
Molly Stovall Hegwood, Director of EL Services"As a large and diverse urban school system, our district needed to create a service model structure to meet the needs of over 15,000 English Learner students (ELs), representing over 120 languages. We selected co-teaching as one of the service models because this model allowed students to remain in the content class with their native English-speaking peers while receiving their required EL services. Co-teaching is an ideal model for our district because it allows for students at all levels of English language proficiency access to the complex grade-level content, tasks, and standards while acquiring productive and receptive language skills. With the support of Dr. Dove and Dr. Honigsfeld, our district is in our second year of implementing the EL co-teaching model. We started by analyzing the data and grouping students based on their language needs and allowing the EL teacher to co-teach in sheltered ELD/English Language Arts classes. In this classes, we saw over 2 years growth as evidenced by text level assessments. At the middle and high school level, co-teaching expanded to content classes to support English learners through an integrated approach alongside the content teacher. Both models proved to be successful for our district as we added another 29 EL co-teachers this school year. Dr. Dove and Dr. Honigsfeld's new book provides a deep dive into the advantages and challenges of each co-teaching model along with low-prep strategies for the partners. This is essential in helping the content and EL teacher select the appropriate model for their setting and to implement high-yield strategies in the integrated language and content setting. The authors highlight the importance of collaboration among EL teachers and content teachers to have shared accountability for the academic, linguistic and social emotional success of ELs."
Metro Nashville Public Schools
"This important follow-up volume is just what we need, just in time! It will invigorate co-teachers of English Learners while urging them to refocus their attention from 'just co-teaching' to the truly effectual work of teacher collaboration throughout the entire instructional cycle. At the same time, best practices for student engagement and focused English language development are clearly described within a deep analysis of the seven co-teaching models. Co-teachers will return to this volume again and again for the practical tips and authentic examples to mix and match models to the benefit of their English Learners."
Debra Cole, MELL Instructional Specialist"This important follow-up volume is just what we need, just in time! It will invigorate co-teachers of English Learners while urging them to refocus their attention from 'just co-teaching' to the truly effectual work of teacher collaboration throughout the entire instructional cycle. At the same time, best practices for student engagement and focused English language development are clearly described within a deep analysis of the seven co-teaching models. Co-teachers will return to this volume again and again for the practical tips and authentic examples to mix and match models to the benefit of their English Learners."
St. Louis - Missouri English Language Learning
"From the get-go, Dove & Honigsfeld present a clear call to action. We have an obligation to provide the best, most consistent, and aggressive support to a growing population with very specific needs. And what better way to do that than by collaborating and co-teaching with intentionality and precision? Offering structures and strategies for each of 7 key models of co-planning and co-teaching, the authors have given us all we need to meet our common goals in a compelling, detailed, and inescapably helpful resource. The rest is up to us."
Pete Hall, Former School Principal"From the get-go, Dove & Honigsfeld present a clear call to action. We have an obligation to provide the best, most consistent, and aggressive support to a growing population with very specific needs. And what better way to do that than by collaborating and co-teaching with intentionality and precision? Offering structures and strategies for each of 7 key models of co-planning and co-teaching, the authors have given us all we need to meet our common goals in a compelling, detailed, and inescapably helpful resource. The rest is up to us."
"Working in a very large, linguistically diverse school board, where top priorities include the goals of ensuring equity and high expectations for all students, it’s exciting to find a text which commits on practically addressing the complexity of co planning, co teaching and co assessing to support the success of English learners, through and through. It is with respect of educators of the field that the authors have truly demystified how successful partnerships unfold honoring the power of the whole collaborative planning cycle. By providing in depth illustrations and real life scenarios with several variations to highlight a variety of contexts, this book allows for multiple entry points. Honestly, in all my roles in education over the last 22 years, including ESL/ELD teacher, classroom teacher, resource teacher and even now as a leader supporting over 250 schools to address the needs of ELs, I have never found a resource that does what Dove and Honigsfeld have achieved here. This book is ideal for school teams, teachers with their administrators, ready to roll their sleeves up. I have always believed that supporting linguistically diverse students to achieve academic should not be beyond our reach and would wonder why many districts share the experience that they cannot get there effectively. Dove and Honigsfeld have revealed where the link has been broken. Their research is focused on intentionally orchestrating conditions in classrooms for students to learn the content while acquiring the language of instruction this to happen in tandem. Now that is true rocket science!"
Zaiba Beg, Instructional Coordinator of ESL/ELD Programs"Working in a very large, linguistically diverse school board, where top priorities include the goals of ensuring equity and high expectations for all students, it’s exciting to find a text which commits on practically addressing the complexity of co planning, co teaching and co assessing to support the success of English learners, through and through. It is with respect of educators of the field that the authors have truly demystified how successful partnerships unfold honoring the power of the whole collaborative planning cycle. By providing in depth illustrations and real life scenarios with several variations to highlight a variety of contexts, this book allows for multiple entry points. Honestly, in all my roles in education over the last 22 years, including ESL/ELD teacher, classroom teacher, resource teacher and even now as a leader supporting over 250 schools to address the needs of ELs, I have never found a resource that does what Dove and Honigsfeld have achieved here. This book is ideal for school teams, teachers with their administrators, ready to roll their sleeves up. I have always believed that supporting linguistically diverse students to achieve academic should not be beyond our reach and would wonder why many districts share the experience that they cannot get there effectively. Dove and Honigsfeld have revealed where the link has been broken. Their research is focused on intentionally orchestrating conditions in classrooms for students to learn the content while acquiring the language of instruction this to happen in tandem. Now that is true rocket science!"
Peel District School Board
Other Titles in: Bilingual/ELL Learners | Instructional Leadership | Differentiation & Multiple Intelligences
Review Copies
Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.
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