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Principal Peer Evaluation
The definitive book on peer evaluation for administrators, based on a program that works!
Libia S. Gil, superintendent of the Chula Vista Elementary School District, presents a framework for peer evaluation within school districts that is already at work and succeeding in her own district. District-level administrators, educational administration instructors, and principals, themselves, will find an evaluation design that:
- Emphasizes results
- Promotes professional growth and development
- Models expectations for students and teachers
- Meets ISLLC (Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium) Standards
The challenges of continuum-based principal performance standards, the redefinition of leadership standards, and the growing pains experienced by superintendents and principals alike are all explored in this practical and applicable work—a definitive title for this exciting new model of accountability.
- Grade Level: PreK-12
- ISBN: 9780761977100
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2001
- Page Count: 104
- Publication date: July 05, 2001