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Project-Based Learning

Differentiating Instruction for the 21st Century
This book’s collection of instructional strategies and assessment methods show how to implement and differentiate project-based learning that fosters 21st century skills in Grades K–12.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-12
  • ISBN: 9781412997904
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2012
  • Page Count: 216
  • Publication date: April 25, 2012
Price: $41.95
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Increase achievement and engagement for all students in 21st century classrooms!

Project-based learning has emerged as one of today's most effective instructional practices. In PBL, students confront real-world issues and problems, collaborate to create solutions, and present their results. This exciting new book describes how PBL fosters 21st century skills and innovative thinking. The author provides instructional strategies, assessment methods, and detailed instruction on how to:

  • Design projects for various content areas across all grade levels
  • Integrate technology throughout the learning process
  • Use Khan Academy, webquests, wikis, and more to foster deeper conceptual learning
  • Build social learning networks
  • Differentiate instruction by scaffolding supports for the learning process


William N. Bender photo

William N. Bender

William N. Bender, PhD, has had a long and distinguished career in education, teaching in public school for several years and in higher education for some 26 years at Blue?eld State College in West Virginia, Rutgers University in New Jersey, and the University of Georgia. He has written 36 books in special and general education. With his retirement, he has stepped back from his rigorous workshop schedule, which as recently as 2016 included some 40 workshop days per year. While the COVID-19 pandemic impacted his work, he has written four historical ?ction novels and several educational books in recent years. He has delivered several professional development projects, including most recently a keynote for a virtual conference on project-based learning in Brazil in conjunction with his Corwin book Project-Based Learning (2012).

Learn more about William Bender's PD offerings

Consulting Description: Differentiated Instruction
Consulting Description: Math
Consulting Description: Project-Based Learning
Consulting Description: RTI
Consulting Description: Technology

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


1. Engaging Students Through Project Based Learning

2: Project Based Learning in the Classroom

3. Designing Projects for Project Based Learning

4. Instructional Technologies in Project Based Learning

5. Instructional Strategies in Project Based Learning

6. Assessment Options For Project Based Learning

Appendix A: Relationship Between PBL and State Curricular Standards



Price: $41.95
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