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Updated Edition of Bestseller

The School as a Home for the Mind

Creating Mindful Curriculum, Instruction, and Dialogue
Second Edition
By: Arthur L. Costa

Foreword by Robin Fogarty

Create a culture where the process of thinking is the content of instruction!

This unique guide reflects the author's best and most recent research, theory, and practice for the teaching of thinking. Arthur L. Costa explains why educators need to integrate explicit thinking instruction into daily lessons, illustrates what the instruction of thinking looks like in the classroom, and identifies the curricular changes that can have the most positive impact. The text also examines:

  • Curriculum mapping efforts that support the teaching of thinking
  • Specific teaching behaviors that foster students' thinking processes
  • Cognitive coaching that encourages a high level of performance
  • Metacognitive mediations that connect immediate lessons to lifelong learning

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-12
  • ISBN: 9781412950749
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2007
  • Page Count: 272
  • Publication date: October 08, 2007
Price: $43.95
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"Within this robust collection, the reader is soon privy to a noble and notable vision of schooling in which mindfulness permeates the metaphorical walls of the school and all of its structural components: the curriculum, the instruction, and the reflective practices of those immersed in the vision."

—From the Foreword by Robin Fogarty

"What is the next best thing to having the opportunity to be in one of Art Costa's presentations? It is clearly the opportunity to read and reread his work. He has a knack for making the theoretical understandable and the practical 'practice-able.'"
—Bena Kallick, Educational Consultant

"Art Costa has done more than anyone I can think of to advance the practical cause of more thoughtful education."
—David Perkins, Professor of Education
Harvard University

Create a culture where the process of thinking is the content of instruction!

This unique guide reflects the author's best and most recent research, theory, and practice for the teaching of thinking. Arthur L. Costa explains why educators need to integrate explicit thinking instruction into daily lessons, illustrates what the instruction of thinking looks like in the classroom, and identifies the curricular changes that can have the most positive impact. The text also examines:

  • Curriculum mapping efforts that support the teaching of thinking
  • Specific teaching behaviors that foster students' thinking processes
  • Cognitive coaching that encourages a high level of performance
  • Metacognitive mediations that connect immediate lessons to lifelong learning

Click here to view Arthur L. Costa's presentation at California Lutheran University on October 7, 2010.

Key features

This collection:
  • Contains the best from Arthur L. Costa on the teaching of thinking
  • Explains the why and how of integrating thinking instruction into daily curriculum
  • Discusses curricular changes to support the teaching of thinking
  • Includes current theory, research, and practice


Arthur L. Costa photo

Arthur L. Costa

Arthur L. Costa, Ed.D., is an Emeritus Professor of Education at California State University, Sacramento. He is Co-Founder of the Institute for Habits of Mind and Co-founder of the Center for Cognitive Coaching. He served as a classroom teacher, a curriculum consultant, and an assistant superintendent for instruction in the Office of the Sacramento County Superintendent of Schools and as the director of educational programs for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. He has made presentations and conducted workshops in all 50 states as well as on six of the seven continents
Active in many professional organizations, Art served as president of the California Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development and was the National President of Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, from 1988 to 1989. He was the recipient of the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Urban Alliance in 2010.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Foreword by Robin Fogarty


About the Author

Part I. The School as a Home for the Mind: A Vision of Mindfulness

1. The School as a Home for the Mind

2. Aesthetics: Where Thinking Originates

3. Habits of Mind: Learnings That Last

4. Launching Self-Directed Learners, With Bena Kallick

Part II. The Mind-Full Curriculum

5. Maturing Outcomes, With Robert J. Garmston

6. Mapping Forward

7. Changing Curriculum Means Changing Your Mind

8. Teaching for, of, and About Thinking

9. Five Thoughts for a More Though-Full Curriculum

Part III. Mindful Dialogue

10. Through the Lens of a Critical Friend, With Bena Kallick

11. Cognitive Coaching: Conversations That Mediate Self-Directedness, With Robert J. Garmston

12. Norms of Collaboration: Attaining Communicative Competence, With William Baker and Stanley Shalit

13. Getting Into the Habit of Reflection, With Bena Kallick

Part IV. Toward Mindful Instruction

14. What Goes on in Your Head When You Teach?

15. Do You Speak Cogitare?

16. Teacher Behaviors That Enable Student Thinking

17. Mediating the Metacognitive

Part V. The Mindful School: A Re-Vision

18. Creating a Culture of Mindfulness

19. Mind Workers Unite!




Price: $43.95
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