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Taking the Classroom Into the Community

A Guidebook
The focus of this helpful book is on using the community as a classroom for students to gain `real-world' experience. Neal A Glasgow offers examples of activities that utilize community resources, provides clear instruction for recruiting and using community mentors, and addresses insurance and liability issues for students who are involved in learning activities away from school. He also describes the project portfolio that students will present as part of their final assessment.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9780803964792
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 1996
  • Page Count: 80
  • Publication date: July 01, 1996
Price: $23.95
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Get state-of-the-art equipment you can't afford to buy by putting students "to work" with the businesses in your community. Students will learn to meet industry standards of performance and how to work on an individual project within a larger group project. Glasgow shows you how to recruit the best community mentors. He includes a model for using student portfolios to evaluate and document progress and gives you tips for solving the liability issues.


Neal A. Glasgow photo

Neal A. Glasgow

Neal A. Glasgow's experience includes serving as a secondary school science and art teacher both in California and New York, as a university biotechnology teaching laboratory director and laboratory technician, and as an educational consultant and frequent speaker on many educational topics. He is the author or coauthor of ten books on educational topics: What Successful Schools Do to Involve Families: Fifty Research-Based Strategies for Teachers and Administrators (2008), What Successful Literacy Teachers Do: 70 Research-Based Strategies for Teachers, Reading Coaches, and Instructional Planners (2007), What Successful Teachers Do in Diverse Classrooms: 71 Research-Based Strategies for New and Veteran Teachers (2006); What Successful Teachers Do in Inclusive Classrooms: 60 Research-Based Strategies That Help Special Learners (2005); What Successful Mentors Do: 81 Researched-Based Strategies for New Teacher Induction, Training, and Support (2004); What Successful Teachers Do: 91 Research-Based Strategies for New and Veteran Teachers (2003); Tips for Science Teachers: Research-Based Strategies to Help Students Learn (2001); New Curriculum for New Times: A Guide to Student-Centered, Problem-Based Learning (1997); Doing Science: Innovative Curriculum Beyond the Textbook for the Life Sciences (1997); and Taking the Classroom to the Community: A Guidebook (1996).


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Taking the Classroom into the Real World

One School's Approach

Changing Roles for Teachers


New Roles and Learning Outcomes

Looking for Help

Recruiting Mentors

Communicating with the Community and the Mentors

Is There Room for Something New?

Managing It All

The Portfolio

Putting the Portfolio to Work

Examples of Student Project Portfolio Evolution

Examples of Mentored Project Experiences

In Conclusion

The Future of the Classroom in the Community

Price: $23.95
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