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Teaching for Intelligence II

A Collection of Articles

Formerly a SkyLight publication

An invaluable resource for educators, this collection provides immediate access to leading thinkers in education and their theories on issues surrounding intelligence.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781575172668
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2000
  • Page Count: 306
  • Publication date: June 01, 2000
Price: $42.95
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Formerly a SkyLight publication

Teaching for Intelligence II
brings together t
he top minds in education to discuss the issues surrounding intelligence.

Taken directly from the 1999 Teaching for Intelligence Conference, experts discuss such topics as:

  • Unleashing the Power of Perceptual Change
  • Learning and Transfer
  • Constructivist Assessment in Early Childhood Education
  • Learning to Learn
An invaluable resource for educators, Teaching for Intelligence II provides immediate access to these leading thinkers and their theories at the turn of a page.


Arthur L. Costa photo

Arthur L. Costa

Arthur L. Costa, Ed.D., is an Emeritus Professor of Education at California State University, Sacramento. He is Co-Founder of the Institute for Habits of Mind and Co-founder of the Center for Cognitive Coaching. He served as a classroom teacher, a curriculum consultant, and an assistant superintendent for instruction in the Office of the Sacramento County Superintendent of Schools and as the director of educational programs for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. He has made presentations and conducted workshops in all 50 states as well as on six of the seven continents
Active in many professional organizations, Art served as president of the California Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development and was the National President of Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, from 1988 to 1989. He was the recipient of the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Urban Alliance in 2010.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Introduction: New Perspectives on Intelligences

Section 1: Flexibility in Thinking: The Capacity to Shift Perspectives, to Generate Alternate Approaches, and to Change One's Mind

1. Systems Change in Education

2. Unleashing the Power of Perceptual Change

3. Changing Curriculum Means Changing Your Mind

Section 2: Applying Past Knowledge to New Situations: The Capacity to Draw Forth Prior Knowledge and Transfer it to New Situations

4. Learning and Transfer--A Tautology

5. What Do We Know From Brain Research?

6. Art for the Brain's Sake

Section 3: Metacognition: The Human Capacity to be Aware of and Reflect on Our Own Thinking

7. Memory, The Thing I Forget With

8. Creativity Is a Decision

9. Revisiting Effective Teaching

10. Multiple Intelligences and Reading Instruction

Section 4: Questioning and Problem Posing: Innate Human Curiosity and the Capacity for Healthy Skepticism

11. The Mad Dash to Compute: Enriching or Eroding Intelligence?

12. Educators Need to Know About the Human Brain

13. Raising the Ceiling for All Students: School Improvement From a High-End Learning Perspective

Section 5: Striving for Accuracy, Precision and Elegance: The Human Yearning for Craftsmanship

14. Learning Standards

15. What Sorts of Standards for Teachers? Focusing on Exemplary Elementary Teaching

16. Constructivist Assessment in Early Childhood Education

17. Test Success in the Brain-Compatible Classroom

Section 6: The Humility of Continuous Learning: The Human Capacity for Self-Renewal

18. Challenging Mathematics for Young Children

19. Reinventing Our Literacy Programs: Books, Basics, Balance

20. Mediated Learning Experience: Professor Reuven Feuerstein Responds to Some Critical Questions

21. Learning to Learn: The Cognitive Enrichment Advantage Approach




Price: $42.95
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