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Teaching Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders

A Step-by-Step Guide for Educators
The authors discuss support services, assistive technology, collaborating with parents, and intervention strategies to help youngsters with ASD interact with their peers and develop independence.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781412917087
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2008
  • Page Count: 224
  • Publication date: April 08, 2008
Price: $41.95
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"Gives general educators the precise information needed to work with children on the autistic spectrum. The range of topics covered makes this book a great resource for professionals looking for an overview of autism spectrum disorders and how to work effectively with this population."
—G. Richmond Mancil, Assistant Professor
University of Central Florida

"Teachers in today's classrooms are faced with the challenge of educating all children. This book provides an easy-to-understand reference for a traditionally misunderstood disability."
—Vicki McFarland, Special Education Director
Learning Matters Educational Group

Create an appropriate learning environment to help children with ASD develop lifelong independence!

Written by experts in special education and psychology, this user-friendly resource summarizes current research and presents a comprehensive overview of how to teach students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The authors discuss intervention strategies for implementing effective educational programs that give youngsters with ASD the opportunity to learn and interact with their peers.

This practical book describes the characteristics of specific disorders, including autistic disorder, childhood disintegrative disorder, Rett syndrome, pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified, and Asperger syndrome. Other topics include:

  • Specific instructional approaches
  • Behavioral, skill-based, and physiologically-based intervention models
  • A comprehensive team approach that includes parents
  • Assistive technology options
  • Support services for transition from high school to adult life

Teaching Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders addresses the most significant, everyday challenges that general and special education teachers face in reaching students with ASD.



Roger Pierangelo photo

Roger Pierangelo

Roger Pierangelo is an associate professor in the Department of Special Education and Literacy at Long Island University. He has been an administrator of special education programs and served for eighteen years as a permanent member of Committees on Special Education. He has over thirty years of experience in the public school system as a general education classroom teacher and school psychologist, and is a consultant to numerous private and public schools, PTAs, and SEPTA groups. Pierangelo has also been an evaluator for the New York State Office of Vocational and Rehabilitative Services and a director of a private clinic. He is a New York State licensed clinical psychologist, certified school psychologist, and a Board Certified Diplomate Fellow in Child and Adolescent Psychology and Forensic Psychology. Pierangelo is currently president of The National Association of Special Education Teachers, executive director of The American Academy of Special Education Professionals, and vice-president of The National Association of Parents with Children in Special Education.

Pierangelo earned his BS degree from St. John's University, his MS from Queens College, Professional Diploma from Queens College, PhD from Yeshiva University, and Diplomate Fellow in Child and Adolescent Psychology and Forensic Psychology from the International College of Professional Psychology. He is a member of the American Psychological Association, New York State Psychological Association, Nassau County Psychological Association, New York State Union of Teachers, and Phi Delta Kappa.

Pierangelo is the coauthor of numerous books, including The Big Book of Special Education Resources and The Step-by-Step Book Series for Special Educators.
George Giuliani photo

George Giuliani

George Giuliani is an assistant professor at Hofstra University's School of Education and Allied Health and Human Services, in the Department of Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation. He is the executive director of the National Association of Special Education Professionals, president of the National Association of Parents with Children in Special Education (NAPCSE), vice-president of the National Association of Special Education Teachers, and an educational consultant for various school districts. He has provided numerous workshops for parents and teachers on a variety of special education and psychological topics.

Giuliani earned Board Certification as a Diplomate Fellow in Child and Adolescent Psychology and Forensic Psychology from the International College of Professional Psychology. Giuliani is also a New York State licensed psychologist, certified school psychologist, and has an extensive private practice focusing on children with special needs. He is a member of the American Psychological Association, New York State Psychological Association, the National Association of School Psychologists, Suffolk County Psychological Association, Psi Chi, American Association of University Professors, and the Council for Exceptional Children. Giuliani earned his BA from the College of the Holy Cross, MS from St. John's University, JD from City University Law School, and PsyD from Rutgers University, The Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology.

Giuliani is the coauthor of numerous books, including The Big Book of Special Education Resources and The Step-by-Step Book Series for Special Educators.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents



About the Authors

1. Introduction to ASD

IDEA Definition of ASD

Overview of ASD

Causes of ASD

Prevalence and Incidence of ASD

Age of Onset of ASD

Gender Features of ASD

Cultural Features of ASD

Familial Pattern of ASD

Educational Implications of Students With ASD

Evidence-Based Practice in Working With Children With ASD and Their Families

Research Basis for Services to Children With ASD in the Home, School, and Community

2. Characteristics of Children With ASD

Possible Early Indicators of ASD

Patterns of Development

Impairments in Social Skills

Impairments in Communication Skills

Unusual and Repeated Behaviors and Routines

Additional Disabilities and Co-Morbid Conditions

Associated Features

3. Types of ASD

Autistic Disorder (Classic ASD)

Childhood Disintegrative Disorder

Rett Syndrome

Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS)

Asperger Syndrome

4. Eligibility Criteria for Children With ASD

Review of the Characteristics of Children With ASD

Determination of the Procedures and Assessment Measures to Be Used

Determination of Eligibility for a Diagnosis of ASD

5. Overview of Effective Interventions

Behavioral Approaches

Relationship-Based Models

Skills-Based Interventions

Structured Teaching

Physiologically-Based Interventions

6. Creating Quality Educational Programs for Children With ASD

Family Involvement

Comprehensive Assessment of Skills and Deficits

Plan Development/Clearly Defined Goals and Objectives

Effective Teaching Strategies

Assessment of the Intervention

Structuring the Environment

Applying Functional Behavior Assessment to Problem Behavior


Opportunities With Peers

Comprehensive Team Approach

7. Collaborating With Parents

Obtaining a Diagnosis

Adjusting to the Diagnosis

Developmental Stages and Family Stresses

Creating a Collaborative Home-School Partnership

Building an Informed Partnership

Establishing a Team Approach

Planning for Communication

Facilitating Collaborative Relationships

When Collaboration Becomes Difficult

8. Effective Programming for Young Children With ASD: Ages 3-5

Curriculum Content

Highly Supportive Teaching Environments

Need for Predictability and Routine

Functional Approach to Challenging Behaviors

Transition Planning From Early Childhood Program to Elementary School

Family Involvement

9. Teaching Students With ASD: Instructional Approaches

Visual Approaches

Providing Precise, Positive Praise While the Student Is Learning

Using Meaningful Reinforcements

Planning Tasks at an Appropriate Level of Difficulty

Using Age-Appropriate Materials

Providing Opportunities for Choice

Breaking Down Oral Instructions Into Small Steps

Paying Attention to Processing and Pacing Issues

Using Concrete Examples and Hands-on Activities

Using Task Analysis

Using Discrete Trial Methods

Introducing Unfamiliar Tasks in a Familiar Environment When Possible

Organizing Teaching Materials and Situation to Highlight What Is Important

Encouraging Independent Effort and Incorporate Proactive Measures to Reduce the Likelihood of Becoming Dependent on Prompts

Directing and Broadenening Fixations Into Useful Activities

Knowing the Individual and Maintaining a List of Strengths and Interests

Developing Talent and Interest Areas

10. Teaching Students With ASD: Strategies for Classroom Management

Providing a Structured, Predictable Classroom Environment

Providing a Customized Visual Daily Schedule

Noting Aspects of the Tasks and Activities That Create Frustration

Providing Relaxation Opportunities and Areas

Providing Opportunities for Meaningful Contact With Peers Who Have Appropriate Social Behavior

Planning for Transitions and Preparing the Student for Change

11. Teaching Students With ASD: Strategies for Communication Development

Learning to Listen

Developing Oral Language Comprehension

Developing Oral Language Expression

Developing Conversation Skills


Using Alternative or Augmentative Communication Systems

12. Teaching Students With ASD: Strategies for Social Skills

Using Social Stories

Teaching Key Social Rules

Using Cognitive Picture Rehearsal

Using Peer Support

Using Social Skills Training Groups

Integrating Play Groups

Teaching Self-Monitoring/Managing Skills

Supporting the Development of Friendships

13. Teaching Students With Asperger Syndrome


Characteristics and Learning Styles

Social Relation Difficulties

Social Communication Difficulties

Language Comprehension/Auditory Processing Difficulties

Sensory Processing Difficulties

Difficulty Representing Language Internally

Insistence on Sameness

Poor Concentration/Distractibility

Emotional Vulnerability

Restricted/Perseverative Range of Interest

Theory of Mind Deficit--Difficulty Taking the Perspective of Others

14. Assistive Technology for Children With ASD

What Is Assistive Technology?

Visual Representation Systems

Low-Tech Strategies

Mid-Tech Strategies

High-Tech Strategies

15. Behavior and Discipline Issues for Students With ASD

Developing Appropriate Behaviors for Students With ASD

Behavior Plan Key Idea: Use a PROACTIVE Approach

What to Do When a Student With ASD Engages in Inappropriate Behavior

Specific Behaviors of Concern

Other Possible Reasons for Problem Behaviors

16. Facilitating Inclusion

Teacher Preparation

Preparing Students With ASD

Promoting Understanding

Adapting Instruction

Adapting Equipment

Adapting the Physical Environment

Adapting Evaluation Methods

Adapting Assignments

Adapting Input Methods

Adapting Output Methods

Modifying Content and Difficulty Levels

Promoting Organization

One-to-One Instruction

Promoting Positive Peer Interactions

17. Transition Planning for Students With ASD

Strategies to Help With Transitions Between Activities and Settings

Transitions Between Grade Levels

Transitions Between Schools

Transition from High School to Adult Life





Price: $41.95
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