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Using Analogies in Middle and Secondary Science Classrooms

The FAR Guide – An Interesting Way to Teach With Analogies

Use the power of analogies to enliven your science classroom and meet national standards!

A team of experts offers more than 40 teacher-friendly, ready-to-use analogies for science classrooms and shows teachers how and when to select analogies for instruction, why certain analogies work or don't work, how to gauge their effectiveness, and how to improve them. Linked to NSTA standards, and designed to enhance the presentation and interpretation of analogies through focus, action, and reflection (FAR), this guidebook includes:

  • Key science concepts explained through analogies
  • Guidelines for teacher- and student-generated analogies
  • Research findings on their motivational impact
  • Visual aids, science vignettes, and anecdotes

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: 6-12
  • ISBN: 9781412913331
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2007
  • Page Count: 288
  • Publication date: November 13, 2007
Price: $43.95
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"Makes a distinct contribution to science instruction. Many teachers attempt to use analogies and metaphors to introduce abstract concepts; however, little is available on how to do this with specific examples. The authors definitely address a need."
—Douglas Llewellyn, Professor of Science Education
St. John Fisher College

"Helps preservice and novice teachers use analogies and allows teachers to bridge the gap that sometimes occurs when students are learning abstract concepts. The examples cover a wide variety of subjects and are written in a concise, easy-to-understand voice."
—John D. Ophus, Assistant Professor of Science Education
University of Northern Iowa

Use the power of analogies to enliven your science classroom and meet national standards!

When analogies are effective, they readily engage students' interest and clarify difficult and abstract ideas. But not all analogies are created equal, and developing them is not always intuitive. Drawing from an extensive research base on the use of analogies in the classroom, Allan Harrison, Richard Coll, and a team of science experts come to the rescue with more than 40 teacher-friendly, ready-to-use analogies for biology, earth and space studies, chemistry, and physics.

The authors show teachers how and when to select analogies for instruction, why certain analogies work or break down, how to gauge their effectiveness, and how to improve them. Designed to enhance teachers' presentation and interpretation of analogies through focus, action, and reflection (FAR), this guidebook includes:

  • Key science concepts explained through effective models and analogies
  • Research findings on the use of analogies and their motivational impact
  • Guidelines that allow teachers and students to develop their own analogies
  • Numerous visual aids, science vignettes, and anecdotes to support the use of analogies

Linked to NSTA standards, Using Analogies in Middle & Secondary Science Classrooms will become a much-used text by teachers who want to enrich inquiry-based science instruction.

Key features

  • More than 40 content-linked, hands-on, and ready-to-use science analogies for earth science, chemistry, physics and astronomy, and biology 
  • Key science concepts explained through effective models and analogies
  • Numerous visual aids to support the use of analogies in the classroom 
  • Numerous science vignettes and ancedotes  
  • An outline that allows teachers to plan and develop their own analogies
  • A summary of research findings and the motivational impact of analogies
  • Links to the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) standards
  • International authors and contributors present at AERA, NSTA, and other U.S. conferences


Allan G. Harrison photo

Allan G. Harrison

Allan G. Harrison is Associate Professor of Science Education at Central Queensland University. Allan taught biology, chemistry and physics to students in Grades 7-12 for 25 years before completing his MSc and PhD at Curtin University of Technology in Perth, Western Australia. He has taught science teachers for 10 years and has researched teaching and learning with analogies for 15 years and published articles on science analogies in all leading science education journals. Allan also studies the capacity of analogies to engender conceptual change. He brings to this book his personal practical experience in teaching with analogies in high school and his research on other teachers’ use of analogies. He believes that analogies, when used well, enhance students’ interest and knowledge in science. He hopes you will share with him his commitment to learning for understanding.
Richard K. Coll photo

Richard K. Coll

Richard K. Coll is associate professor of science education at the University of Waikato, New Zealand. Richard holds a PhD in chemistry from Canterbury University and an EdD in science education from Curtin University of Technology. His research interests are concerned with mental models of science concepts, and a variety of aspects of work-integrated learning.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents


About the Editors and Contributors


Part I. How We Can Use Analogies to Improve Science Teaching

1. Teaching With Analogies: Friends or Foes?

2. The Focus-Action-Reflection (FAR) Guide--Science Teaching Analogies

3. Using Analogies to Increase Student Interest in Science

4. Multiple Analogies Are Better Than One-Size-Fits-All Analogies

5. Inquiry-Based Teacher- and Student-Generated Analogies

Part II. Analogies for Teaching Science

6. Effective Biology Analogies

7. Effective Chemistry Analogies

8. Effective Physics Analogies

9. Effective Earth and Space Science Analogies





Price: $43.95
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