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Winning Strategies for Test Taking, Grades 3-8

A Practical Guide for Teaching Test Preparation

Teach students essential skills for test taking and for lifelong learning!

This resource provides a practical, three-week unit of test-taking skills that makes the most efficient use of classroom time, raises the appeal of test taking with a fun approach, and teaches effective metacognitive skills that transfer beyond the classroom into students' lives. Full of reproducible resources such as planning guides, models, examples of think-alouds, annotated state exams, and more, this book shows how to help students excel at different types of test formats, including:

  • Reading and analyzing texts
  • Multiple choice questions
  • True-or-false questions
  • Constructed response writing
  • Writing to a prompt

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: 3-8
  • ISBN: 9781412967037
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2009
  • Page Count: 144
  • Publication date: April 21, 2009
Price: $32.95
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Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.



"Arming your students with this game plan will lead to victory on test day. These well-defined writing and reading strategies will positively impact students' scores."
—Cheryl Yocum, English Language Arts Consultant
Wayne RESA, MI

"This book makes it easy for teachers to develop units based on their own state tests. By employing the strategies in this book, teachers will level the playing field for all students and make high-stakes test taking a game of knowledge rather than a game of chance."
—Mary McConnell, School Improvement Facilitator

Teach students essential skills for test taking and for lifelong learning!

Winning Strategies for Test Taking provides a practical, three-week unit of test taking skills that makes the most efficient use of classroom time and uses commonsense strategies that are engaging for students in Grades 3–8. The authors' fun approach raises the appeal of test taking and teaches effective metacognitive skills that transfer beyond the classroom into students' lives.

Full of reproducible resources such as planning guides, models, examples of think-alouds, annotated state exams, and more, this book shows how to help students excel at different types of test formats, including

  • Reading and analyzing texts
  • Multiple choice questions
  • True-or-false questions
  • Constructed response writing
  • Writing to a prompt

Meet the demands of high-stakes testing and develop students' confidence to conquer the challenges of test taking in the classroom and decision making throughout their lives.

Key features

  • Helps develop test-taking—and metacognitive—skills that become lifelong strengths
  • Unique 3-week, step-by-step unit offers commonsense strategies for teaching students how to become confident test takers
  • Timeframe reduces domination of classroom time
  • Designed around a sports theme: the teacher becomes a coach in a fun, engaging approach that raises the appeal of test taking
  • Helps students connect skills for test taking with elements required for success in later life
  • Emphasizes balance between traditional and performance-based assessments


Linda Denstaedt photo

Linda Denstaedt

Linda Denstaedt has co-directed the Oakland Writing Project since 2002, where she has also been writer-in-residence for the past two years. Prior to her work for the Oakland Intermediate School District, Denstaedt taught tenth- through twelfth-grade English for 31 years. Denstaedt also taught creative writing, fifth grade, and physical education, and she was both the reading coordinator and the language arts coordinator for the Clarkston Community Schools at different points throughout her career. Since 1996 Denstaedt has been a prolific author of material on literacy and language arts education. She has also presented at over 50 international, national, regional, state, and county consulting workshops.

Judy Cova Kelly photo

Judy Cova Kelly

Judith J. Cova Kelly is currently an independent literacy consultant with experience teaching elementary, middle, and higher education classes. Kelly has presented at national and statewide professional conferences on classroom structure, writer’s workshops, reading comprehension instruction, and statewide assessment training. For the Michigan Department of Education, Kelly sat on a committee to revise grade-level content expectations. She has published one article on literacy in the Language Arts Journal of Michigan and she has another pending publication in the Michigan Reading Journal. In 2004 Kelly wrote and determined the implementation of a state grant for more than $1 million for the Monroe Public Schools.
Kathleen Kryza photo

Kathleen Kryza

Kathleen Kryza consults internationally for her company, Infinite Horizons, and also presents nationally for the Bureau of Education and Research (BER). Kryza has more than 20 years experience in motivating and reaching children, educators, and others through her teaching, consulting, coaching, and writing. Her expertise is in working with students in special education, gifted education, alternative education, and multicultural education. She has a master's degree in special education and is an adjunct professor in special education at the University of Michigan—Dearborn.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents



About the Authors

1. Coaching Test Thinkers

2. Test-Reading Strategies

3. Question-Answering Strategies

4. Constructed Response Questions

5. Writing to a Prompt

6. Preparing to Use This Unit of Study






Price: $32.95
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Review Copies

Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.