Corwin Partners
Corwin is proud to partner with many education associations and agencies. Please scroll throughout to learn more about our partners and the opportunities available. To become a Corwin partner, please contact your Account Manager.

Associations of Educational Service Agencies (AESA)
Corwin is proud to partner with AESA.

John Hattie’s Visible Learning plus program exclusively from Corwin!
Learning Forward (formerly National Staff Development Council)
Corwin has a long history of strategic partnership with Learning Forward (formerly the National Staff Development Council). We have collaborated with LF for years to copublish a number of important books on professional learning (Of note is the recent Reach the Highest Standard in Professional Learning series and an upcoming revision of Killion’s Assessing Impact). Corwin is also the exclusive provider of titles to the Learning Forward quarterly book club. In addition, Corwin funds the Shirley Hord Award for excellence in Professional Learning and is a major sponsor of the Learning Forward Academy, providing learning resources, a team scholarship, and hosting the yearly Academy Graduation. Corwin recently collaborated with Learning Forward and the National Education Association on a national survey based on Learning Forward’s Standards Assessment Inventory and will be publishing a report on the findings early in 2017. Corwin also supports a number of Learning Forward state affiliates and actively works to promote the organization and our collective mission.
Ohio Association of Secondary School Administrators (OASSA)
Corwin is pleased to announce our partnership with the Ohio Association of Secondary School Administrators.
Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA)
Corwin is pleased to announce our partnership with the Texas Association of School Administrators.