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Foundations For A Successful Tutoring Program

Foundations For A Successful Tutoring Program

Presented by Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey and Aida Allen-Rotell
[Recorded] Date: Monday, March 14, 2022
Duration: 60 minutes

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There are critical foundations that must be present to launch and maintain a successful tutoring program in any school district. With ESSER and California-specific funding available for tutoring, it’s imperative that your tutoring plans are effectively carried out. Where will you find tutors? Who will train your tutors? How will you ensure that tutoring services do not result in learned helplessness? How will you make certain that your tutoring plan address your instructional initiatives? And how do you get your students to show up?

Webinar participants will:

  • Explore the research on acceleration of learning
  • Discover the critical foundations for tutoring programs
  • Learn the critical components of effective tutoring
  • Identify where to focus your tutoring programs



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