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Making Sense of Learning Transfer

Making Sense of Learning Transfer

Presented by Julie Harris Stern and Nathalie Lauriault
[Recorded] Date: Monday, February 25, 2019
Duration: 60 minutes

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Most educators want students to be strong thinkers and problem-solvers; and to be empowered to use their learning beyond the school walls. But applying what we’ve learned to new contexts – also known as learning transfer – can be incredibly difficult to achieve. Nearly all learners, young and old, struggle with learning transfer. Do you want to help students become more conscious of their thinking and increase their ability to unlock complex situations? Join us for this cutting-edge webinar that will help you to promote depth and breadth of understanding by using learning transfer as both a means and an end goal of learning.

Learning outcomes for participants:

  • Investigate the role of conceptual understanding in retrieval of information, depth of understanding, and transfer of learning:
  1. I can compose transferable conceptual questions that build both breadth and depth of understanding.
  2.  I can build understanding of single concepts and teach students how to make connections between concepts.
  • Understand that transfer is both a means and an end:
  1. I can use multiple, fact-rich contexts that illuminate conceptual relationships.
  2. I can provide opportunities for students to transfer their understanding and provide solutions to problems.