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Co-Teaching for English Learners: How to Maximize Collaborative Practice, Instruction, Assessment & Reflection
Presented by Maria G. Dove and Andrea Honigsfeld
Date: Monday, October 23, 2017
Duration: 60 minutes
The proof is born out by test results: our non-native speakers learn faster and achieve more when general ed and EL teachers co-plan and co-deliver instruction in the very same classroom. That’s why you won’t want to miss this webinar from EL experts Maria Dove and Andrea Honigsfeld. Step by step, they’ll walk you through the entire collaborative instruction cycle, along seven potential models from which to choose.
Whether you’re new to co-teaching or simply in search of additional details, attend this webinar for:
- In-depth profiles of the seven models
- Advantages and challenges of each model
- Clear explanations of each teacher’s role
- Tried-and-true strategies for the entire instructional cycle: co-planning, co-instruction, co-assessment, and reflection