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Deepening Your Equity Impact
Presented by Gary R. Howard
Date: Monday, November 07, 2016
Duration: 60 minutes
Presented by Corwin, ACSA Region 6 and Learning Forward Michigan
The past two decades of school reform efforts have not gone far enough in eliminating educational inequities based on race, poverty, and other dimensions of difference. Gary Howard’s Deep Equity process provides school districts and educators with proven strategies for creating real change; one teacher, one classroom, one school at a time. In this webinar, Gary will share core elements of this work and highlight key features of his award-winning new book from Corwin: We Can’t Lead Where We Won’t Go: An Educator’s Guide to Equity.
Take-away content includes:
- 7 Principles for Culturally Responsive Teaching
- 5 Phases of Systemic Deep Equity Work
- Activities for Promoting Growth in Cultural Competence
- Tools for Increasing Positive Tone and Trust in Your School
- Practical Strategies for Learning From and With Our Students