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Fostering Collective Teacher Efficacy

Fostering Collective Teacher Efficacy

Presented by Jenni Donohoo
[Recorded] Date: Thursday, September 20, 2018
Duration: 60 minutes

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Collective efficacy is a significant belief system for improving student outcomes. In fact, according to Hattie's Visible Learning Research, collective teacher efficacy is what matters most in raising student achievement. Formal and informal leaders are asking themselves “How can I foster a sense of efficacy in my school?” Here’s your opportunity to get every question answered.

You'll learn how to:

  • Understand how efficacy beliefs come to fruition in practice;
  • Define and provide examples of the four sources that shape collective efficacy beliefs;
  • Describe contextual factors that influence the formation of efficacy beliefs;
  • Consider six enabling conditions for fostering collective efficacy;
  • Identify research-based, efficacy enhancing leadership practices.

About the Presenter

 Jenni Donohoo, author Collective Efficacy (Corwin, 2017), is a professional learning facilitator with more than 15 years’ experience in leading school change. Jenni is the past president of Learning Forward Ontario. In addition to her consulting work, Jenni is on secondment to the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Branch in the Ontario Ministry of Education. In this role, she works alongside system and school leaders in order to improve the quality of professional learning and collaboration in schools and districts.




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