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SEL for Multilingual Learners: Urgent Considerations and Tools to Use for Equity

SEL for Multilingual Learners: Urgent Considerations and Tools to Use for Equity

Presented by Diane Staehr Fenner and Mindi Teich
[Recorded] Date: Wednesday, November 03, 2021
Duration: 60 minutes

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The statistics are sobering: now that lockdown is behind us, we can expect 1 out of 3 students to return to in-person learning showing signs of mental or emotional distress. For our multilingual learners (MLs), the numbers are even more staggering.

In short: we’re facing yet another crisis, and our multilingual learners’ social-emotional well-being is at risk. Their academic performance and lifelong success are in jeopardy, too. Here’s your opportunity to begin reversing these all-too-predictable outcomes.

In this webinar on SEL for Multilingual Learners, in which Diane Staehr Fenner and Mindi Teich discuss urgent considerations and provide practical tools to use for supporting MLs in your own SEL planning.

You’ll learn more about:

  • Why SEL for MLs? Why now especially?
  • What the research on SEL and MLs tells us
  • How to utilize our new SEL for MLs Framework to align essential ML supports with CASEL’s 5 SEL competencies
  • How to more purposefully address MLs’ unique strengths and needs in your SEL planning
  • So much more!