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Supporting Educators to Become Equity-Focused Change Agents

Supporting Educators to Become Equity-Focused Change Agents

Presented by Justin Cohen, Derek Mitchell, Cynthia Moultrie and William Hill
[Recorded] Date: Monday, October 31, 2022
Duration: 60 minutes

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Change Agents: Transforming Schools from the Ground Up tells stories of real educators in low-income communities of color working to turn their underperforming schools into vibrant places to teach and learn. In this webinar, author Justin Cohen will be joined by two educators featured in the book and Derek Mitchell, the CEO of Partners in School Innovation, a nonprofit organization that supported educators in this work. Presenters will share: 
-    First-hand experience with an equity-focused approach to school transformation that builds the capacity of educators to drive change
-    A proven, results-oriented cycle of inquiry for sustainable school improvement
-    The need for educators to understand their local history, identities, and biases for successful school improvement




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