Leadership with Impact - Professional books and services for education leaders



Tools, strategies, and vision to turn school, district, and system initiatives into teacher and student growth

Evidence-based and peer-reviewed titles, from well-known education leadership authors like Michael Fullan, Peter DeWitt, Lyn Sharratt,  and more, as well as new voices with research-based resources for professional learning, digital leadership, coaching, instructional leadership, school reform, education improvement make us the trusted source for school and district leadership.


Top Professional Books

Professional Learning Institutes


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Corwin Leadership Events are designed to support school leaders of all levels in unpacking strategies to combat critical educational obstacles and identify tools that can be applied to elevate teaching and learning in any school setting. Corwin institutes are:

  • Ideal for small groups or individuals looking to jumpstart their professional learning journey
  • Packed with actionable strategies that can be applied in your school or classroom immediately
  • Public, scheduled one or multi-day events that will allow you to learn about various topics from leading educational experts
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Leaders Coaching Leaders Podcast

Leaders Coaching Leaders Podcast

For current and aspiring school leaders, this podcast covers evidence-based approaches for tackling immediate needs to impact student learning. Every week Dr. Peter DeWitt and our guests get together to share ideas, put research into practice, discuss what's working and what's not in equity, SEL, burnout, and learning loss (and more) to help you ensure every student is learning not by chance, but by design. 


Rebuilding a realistic culture of optimism

Rebuilding a Realistic Culture of Optimism: Three Places Education Leaders Can Start

"Educators are worn out. We feel overwhelmed. We doubt our effectiveness. We question our purpose...but there is no way we can continue effectively guiding young people without the physical and mental stamina it takes to sustain ourselves."


Caring school leader image

Who Cares for the Caring School Leader?

"To serve others well . . . all who give care need to regularly replen-ish the water they pour. Without replenishment, they will run dry and be of little use to anyone."

Read excerpt

Deep learning webinar

What's Deep About Deep Learning?

The time for debate has passed. We need to transform learning now. In New Pedagogies for Deep Learning Joanne Quinn and Michael Fullan have discovered that when we transform learning, we also transform lives because deep learning is meaningful, gives purpose, and unleashes potential. The challenge is how to make this shift for all students. . . in all classrooms. . . in all schools. In this webinar, Quinn and Fullan explore this shift and introduce to participants the tools, tips, and strategies for realizing deep learning.

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