Rich Math Tasks




The 64 Free grade-specific, standards-aligned rich mathematical tasks for Grades K-12 below address the key content at each grade level.

These tasks:

  • Offer a format that makes them accessible to all learners
  • Invite students to wrestle with a problem
  • Contain multiple solution pathways
  • Encourage use of multiple representations
  • Facilitate mathematical discourse and student collaboration

Developed by Corwin authors and other mathematics specialists, each task includes special guidance for teachers, including:

  • The mathematical topic or standards-aligned goal
  • What the task is
  • How to facilitate the task
  • How to make the mathematics visible for students

Finally, you’ll find a tool to help you adapt ANY task from your textbook or online to better foster access and equity, align to rigorous mathematical goals, and use formative assessment to move learning forward.


Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6

Grade 7

Grade 8

Algebra 1

Algebra 2

Beyond Algebra 2
