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Jessica Djabrayan Hannigan photo

Jessica Djabrayan Hannigan

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Dr. Jessica Djabrayan Hannigan is an Assistant Professor in the Educational Leadership Department at California State University, Fresno. She works with schools and districts throughout the nation on designing and implementing effective behavior systems. Dr. Hannigan has a background in special education and student support services as well as experience with district level administration and higher education research. Jessica has developed inclusive research based best practices around systematic implementation of behavior initiatives. Dr. Hannigan is the co-author of multiple educational books such as The PBIS Tier One Handbook, The PBIS Tier Two Handbook, The PBIS Tier Three Handbook, Don’t Suspend Me! An Alternative Discipline Toolkit, Building Behavior, The MTSS Start-Up Guide, and Behavior Solutions. She has received multiple recognitions for her work, including being named California Outstanding School Psychologist of the Year, Administrator of the Year, Outstanding Faculty Publications and Service Award recipient. She was also recognized by the California Legislature Assembly for her work in social justice and equity. In 2017, Dr. Hannigan was awarded the inaugural Association of California School Administrators Exemplary Woman in Education Award for her persistent work around equity in schools.


  • Response to Intervention (RTI) – Academics/Behavior
  • Social-emotional learning
  • Effective Behavior systems (School-Wide, Targeted, and Individualized)
  • Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
  • General Education/Special Education Behavior Interventions
  • Alternative Discipline
  • Equity in Discipline
  • Restorative Practices
  • Positive School Culture
  • Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)



  • Social-Emotional Learning: Changing the Culture of School Discipline: This workshop is designed to provide an overview of how to create effective social-emotional behavior systems: Tier 1 (school-wide), Tier 2 (small-group/targeted), and Tier 3 (individualized) in schools. This workshop will provide examples for educators on how to incorporate social-emotional practices in each tier of intervention in order to support a culture of school discipline that focuses on teaching behaviors similar to teaching academics.
  • Alternative/Innovative Discipline that works!: This workshop provides an overview of Alternative/Innovative discipline and demonstrates the importance of providing restorative, reflective, and instructional methods of supports for students in place of traditional methods of discipline. This workshop also is designed to teach the participants how to assign effective alternative discipline that works!
  • Equity in Discipline: This workshop is designed to help educators understand the disproportionality in discipline in minority students. It is designed to help educators use data to help identify inequities in discipline and develop actions to close the gap.
  • How to create effective school-wide (Tier One) behavior interventions at your school: This workshop is designed to help educators establish the foundation for an effective school-wide (Tier 1) behavior system. The PBIS Tier One Handbook is used as a guide to behavior teams in this session to assess, develop action plans, and set behavior and academic goals.
  • How to create effective targeted/at-risk (Tier Two) behavior interventions at your school: This workshop is designed to help establish effective targeted/at risk (Tier 2) behavior interventions. The workshop helps educators do a fidelity check on their interventions and assess whether or not they are being implemented effectively to help students.
  • How to create effective individualized/intensive (Tier Three) behavior interventions at your school: This workshop is designed to help educators provide intensive/individualized interventions for general educational and special education students demonstrating the need for additional supports. It is also designed to help educators assess the fidelity of implementation and effectiveness of Tier 3 interventions at their school.

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What People are Saying

“Attending this workshop has helped me become a better leader at my school. It helped me learn the importance of addressing behavior similar to academics when working with students who are demonstrating challenging behaviors in school. I recommend this workshop for all educators. Looking at behavior systems in this way is eye opening and will change the culture of your school in a positive way.”

-Principal, Sanger Unified School District

“Dr. Hannigan is an expert on PBIS and alternative discipline approaches. She shared many great examples and provided our administrators and staff with resources and ideas on how to address the most common discipline”

- Lydia Martinez, Prevention and Intervention Coordinator, Parlier Unifed School District, CA

"The workshops we have received have been exemplary. It has provided the support and training our sites need in order to fully realize a highly engaging school climate for all students. The support tools provide a valued resource for our site leadership, and when combined with the training information, provide a comprehensive support systems for our district to maximize our efforts in promoting a positive school climate."

-Director of Student Services

"Participating in this workshop has helped me shift my belief system about how I conduct discipline at my school. It provides the tools, resources, and practical examples of how to use alternative discipline to change behaviors in lieu of suspensions."

-Vice Principal
