Woman taking notes during training
Professional learning services built for impact on all learners  

Corwin provides sustained, job-embedded professional learning that supports educators to strengthen the knowledge, skills, dispositions, and practices that have the greatest influence on student growth and achievement. 


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Oscar Corrigan

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Oscar Corrigan is currently an administrator and director of English Language Learner program at Health Sciences High and Middle College (HSHMC) in San Diego, California. He has experience teaching middle school social studies, high school history, supervising teacher candidates, and implementing restorative practices. He earned his master's degree in Educational Leadership from San Diego State University and is a Leading Edge Certified teacher in online and blended learning. With his classroom experience, and as a doctoral candidate at SDSU, Oscar strives to implement instructional practices that best promote an equitable learning environment for students from diverse backgrounds.

Certified In

  • Restorative Practices
  • Social-Emotional Learning
